just another zabbix exporter for Prometheus
like the other exporters it use Zabbix API and represent response as Prometheus metrics.
Main limitation - one instance = one query.
Variable | Description | Default |
ZABBIX_API_ENDPOINT | full url to Zabbix API | http://zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php |
ZABBIX_USER | Zabbix user | admin |
ZABBIX_PASSWORD | Zabbix password | admin |
ZABBIX_SKIP_SSL | Skip Zabbix endpoint SSL check | true |
ZE3000_STRICT_METRIC_REG | May be useful when you have an error about metric duplicate on registration - set this to false. On this case, you highly likely have a problem with query, but this may help you investigate. Don't set this to 'false' on real environment | true |
ZE3000_SINGLE_METRIC | If you, for some reason, won't use Default mechanics with mapping metric name and field from Zabbix response. | true |
ZE3000_SINGLE_METRIC_HELP | Hardcoded HELP field for Single metric mechanics | single description |
ZE3000_HOST_PORT | which host and port exporter should listening. Supported notations - or :9080 | localhost:8080 |
ZE3000_METRIC_NAMESPACE | Metric namespace (part of metric name in Prometheus) | zbx |
ZE3000_METRIC_SUBSYSTEM | Metric subsystem (part of metric name in Prometheus) | subsystem |
ZE3000_METRIC_NAME_PREFIX | Metric name prefix | prefix |
ZE3000_METRIC_NAME_FIELD | Mapping field. Which field form Zabbix response use as part of a name. Please note - this field will be trimmed, set to lower case and rid off of all symbols except A-z and 0-9. Only top level Zabbix response fields supported |
key_ |
ZE3000_METRIC_VALUE | Mapping field. Which field form Zabbix response use as value of metric. Only top level Zabbix response fields supported |
lastvalue |
ZE3000_METRIC_HELP | Mapping field. Which field form Zabbix response use as help field of metric. Only top level Zabbix response fields supported |
description |
ZE3000_ZABBIX_METRIC_LABELS | Mapping field. Which field form Zabbix response use as labels. This field supported first level and second level fields |
name, itemid, key_, hosts>host, hosts>name, interfaces>ip, interface>dns |
ZE3000_METRIC_URI_PATH | uri path where prometheus can consume metrics | /metrics |
ZE3000_ZABBIX_REFRESH_DELAY_SEC | How frequent Zabbix exporter will be query Zabbix. In seconds | 10 |
ZE3000_ZABBIX_QUERY | any Zabbix query, with field "auth" with value "%auth-token%" - yes, literally "%auth-token%" |
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.get", "params": { "application":"My Valuable Application", "output":["itemid","key_","description","lastvalue"], "selectDependencies": "extend", "selectHosts": ["name","status","host"], "selectInterfaces": ["ip","dns"], "sortfield":"key_" }, "auth": "%auth-token%", "id": 1 } |
- zabbix
- prometheus
- docker or k8s
Make some query to zabbix server over Insomnia, Postman, curl, you name it. Let's say this query is:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "item.get",
"params": {
"application":"My Super Application",
"output": ["itemid","key_","description","lastvalue"],
"selectDependencies": "extend",
"selectHosts": ["name","status","host"],
"selectInterfaces": ["ip","dns"],
"auth": "1234ml34kl3f4mk4gkl680klfmkl3fml",
"id": 1
and response of this query is:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
"itemid": "452345",
"key_": "concurrencyConnections",
"description": "The number of current concurrency connections.",
"hosts": [
"hostid": "54637",
"name": "Mighty Frontend",
"status": "2",
"host": "mighty.fronend"
"interfaces": [],
"lastvalue": "9"
"itemid": "902934",
"key_": "numbeOfConnections",
"description": "The number of currently active connections.",
"hosts": [
"hostid": "42092",
"name": "Mega Application",
"status": "0",
"host": "mega.application"
"interfaces": [
"interfaceid": "1900",
"ip": "",
"dns": ""
"lastvalue": "10987"
"id": 1
Since we know the query and know what is return - let's configure and start Zabbix Exporter 3000:
ZE3000_ZABBIX_METRIC_LABELS - supports second level fields over >
docker run -d \
-p 8080:8080 \
-e ZABBIX_API_ENDPOINT=https://zabbix.example.com/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php \
-e ZABBIX_USER=someuser \
-e ZABBIX_PASSWORD=str0nGpA5sw0rd \
-e ZE3000_STRICT_METRIC_REG=true \
-e ZE3000_METRIC_NAME_FIELD="key_" \
-e ZE3000_SINGLE_METRIC=false \
-e ZE3000_METRIC_NAMESPACE="megacompany" \
-e ZE3000_METRIC_SUBSYSTEM="frontend" \
-e ZE3000_METRIC_NAME_PREFIX="nginx" \
-e ZE3000_METRIC_NAME_FIELD="key_" \
-e ZE3000_METRIC_VALUE="lastvalue" \
-e ZE3000_METRIC_HELP="description" \
-e ZE3000_METRIC_URI_PATH="/my-metrics"
-e ZE3000_ZABBIX_METRIC_LABELS="itemid,key_,hosts>host,hosts>name,interfaces>ip,interface>dns" \
-e ZE3000_HOST_PORT=localhost:8080 \
-e ZE3000_ZABBIX_QUERY='{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "item.get", "params": { "application":"My Super Application", "output": ["itemid","key_","description","lastvalue"], "selectDependencies": "extend", "selectHosts": ["name","status","host"], "selectInterfaces": ["ip","dns"], "sortfield":"key_" }, "auth": "%auth-token%", "id": 1 }' \
💥 let's suppose everything running ok, and you don't have any error messages from ze3000
by default ze3000 brings up next endpoints:
- main and exported metrics (you can change it over ZE3000_METRIC_URI_PATH environment variable. In example above this env variable set to/my-metrics
- readiness probe for k8s monitoring/live
- liveness probe for k8s monitoring
Let's se at /my-metrics
$ curl http://localhost:8080/my-metrics
megacompany_frontend_nginx_concurrencyconnections{hosts_host="mighty.fronend",hosts_name="Mighty Frontend",interface_dns="NA",interfaces_ip="",itemid="452345",key_="concurrencyConnections"} 9
megacompany_frontend_nginx_numbeofconnections{hosts_host="mega.application",hosts_name="Mega Application",interface_dns="NA",interfaces_ip="NA",itemid="902934",key_="numbeOfConnections"} 10987
Look at example deployments at k8s
folder in this repo.
- go 1.13+
- git client
$ git clone https://github.com/rzrbld/zabbix-exporter-3000
$ cd zabbix-exporter-3000
$ go build main.go
after that you need to export environment variables - just like in docker stage above and run as average binary.