JavaScript learning
- A Brief History of JavaScript
- keywords: var, let, const, function, typeof
- what is window object in JavaScript
- window.document, DOM basics
- console(window object), some console functions: console.log, console.warn, console.error, etc.
- data types and data structures.
- Primitives: string ,number, boolean, undefined, null(null type is object, null is a global object)
- Complex: object ,array (array type is object, Array is a global object, represents indexed collection), function (function has it's own type, but it's a fundamental object too)
- Links:
- Function declaration and function expression
- Interaction with user. window.alert, windows.confirm
- Repetition of Lecture #0
- more about types
- more about variables
- null example to be added
- Base math operators, +, -, *, /
- homework analysis
- external vs internal scripts, order of scripts load and execution. async, deffer script attribute
- basic operators. Unary and binary operators, operand.
- Operators: increment(++), decrement(--), Compound assignment operators(e.g: let x +=5;), Reminder(%)
- Finished with basic operators: comma operator(,), bitwise NOT (~) and role of Bitwise not in search functions
- Logical operators: Logical NOT(!), Logical OR(||), Logical AND(&&)
- Comparison Operators: Equality(==),Inequality(!=), Identity/strict equality(===), Non-identity/strict inequality(!==), Greater than or equal(>=), Less than or equal(<=)
- Operators precedence
- Interaction with user. window.alert, windows.confirm, windows.prompt
- Repetition of Lecture #3
- if/else if/else repetition, Conditional (ternary) conditional, if/else if/else vs ternary ?:
- Object data type, navigation by the objects and arrays. Functions in the object.
- Template literals
- Loops: while, do...while
- Loops: for,
- switch/case construction
- switch/case construction
- break and continue statements