F# source code formatter, similar to C# formatter in Visual Studio. It formats spacing and indentations. In oposite to Fantomas it doesn't rearrange source code by adding or removing newlines. Also one of goals of the project is not to break an existing code and as a reference test to leave intact VisualFsharp Project after formatting.
In order to build or run this tool you will need to have .NET Core (SDK) installed.
dotnet pack
dotnet tool install --global --add-source ./.nupkg fsfmt
In order get the usage, simply invoke the tool with no arguments:
$ fsfmt
Usage: fsfmt [OPTION] SOURCE
Formats the SOURCE. If SOURCE is a folder then formats all .fs files within it.
If there is no defined OUTPUT then writes the formatted source code back to the SOURCE.
-r, --recurse Processes the input folder recursively
--stdout Writes the formatted source code to the standard output
-o, --out <FILE> Writes the formatted source code into <FILE>
-h, --help Displays this information
This project is subject to the Apache 2.0 License. A copy of this license can be found in License file at the root of this repo.