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Releases: s-victor/TinyPedal


30 Aug 07:56
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2.17.4 (2024-08-30)

  • General

    • Fixed state check error while restarting API in rare case.
    • Add clickable API button on main window status bar
      that opens "Shared Memory API" config dialog for easy access.
  • Fuel calculator

    • Fixed an error when calculating with Gallon unit.
  • Relative finish order Widget

    • Add "show_extra_refilling" option, which shows readings of extra refilling row
      below "local player's refilling" row. Each extra refilling value equals "extra laps
      of consumption" plus "local player's refilling" value of same column.
      Those values save the trouble from manual calculation in case there will be extra laps.
      The first column of extra refilling row shows number of extra laps depends on
      "number of extra laps" setting, such as "EX+1" for 1 extra lap, or "EX+3" for 3 extra laps.
    • Add "number_of_extra_laps" option, which sets number of extra laps for extra refilling calculation.
      Default is "1" extra lap.
    • Updated usage and examples for Relative finish order Widget in User Guide.

Hash sum

SHA256: 143185ecb69bb0bd9a8ecbffa747ea25913f8084fd86155f5128f95bd3ec0819
SHA256: 82cdc54257bf530ff4cb55003def6b028013464c14d7392ce639959bbd6b5ba9


19 Aug 04:09
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2.17.3 (2024-08-19)

  • General

    • Fixed a bug (introduced in v2.17.0) in API connector that would cause TinyPedal to stop work
      when user selected "LMU API" in Shared Memory API config dialog.
      Note, LMU API option is currently only a placeholder which uses the same underlying
      RF2 API and "rF2 Shared Memory Plugin" and works exactly same as RF2.
      Updated "User Guide" info regarding API selector.
    • Optimized overlay state check to avoid unnecessary function calls.
  • Command line arguments

    • Add "-h, --help" argument, which shows all available command line arguments.
    • Add "-s, --single-instance" argument for toggling single instance mode,
      which allows multiple instances of TinyPedal to be running at same time
      by adding "-s 0" or "--single-instance 0" argument.
      Default is single instance only, which only one TinyPedal may be run at a time.
    • Single instance mode now works under Linux, or running from source script.
    • Add "Single instance mode" info to log output.
    • Add "pid.log" output file in log folder when "Single instance mode" is enabled.
    • See User Guide "Command line arguments" section for details.
  • Misc

    • Added new contributor (ebeninca) to

Hash sum

SHA256: 25ab04f130ad553e5ed22bcde0d7cc4a5fee0bad983f8595a059d0142d559bc3
SHA256: 5997cfbbe069dce1e773e9400d2c7e2b9edfd4e16db2b727ce1e71656d0671cf


08 Aug 10:09
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2.17.2 (2024-08-08)

  • Brake bias Widget

    • [New]Add brake migration display, which shows real-time brake migration change,
      as commonly seen in LMH and LMDh classes.
      Note, brake migration is calculated based on brake input and brake pressure
      telemetry data, and is affected by pedal force setting from car setup and
      electric braking allocation of specific vehicle.
      To get accurate brake migration reading, it is necessary for brake pedal
      to reach fully pressed state for at least once while entering track to recalibrate
      brake pressure scaling for brake migration calculation.
      It is normally not required to do manually, as game's auto-hold brake assist is on by default.
      However if auto-hold brake assist is off, or the APP was reloaded while player was already on track,
      then it is required to do a full braking for at least once to get accurate brake migration reading.
    • Add "electric_braking_allocation" option for calculating brake migration
      under different electric braking allocation from specific vehicle.
      Note, vehicle that has not electric braking, or has disabled regeneration, is not affected by this option.
      Incorrect allocation value will result wrong brake migration reading from vehicle that has electric braking activated.
      Set value to "-1" to enable auto-detection, which automatically checks whether electric braking is activated
      on either axles while braking, and sets allocation accordingly.
      This is enabled by default. Note, it may take a few brakes to detect correct allocation.
      Set value to "0" to manual override and use front allocation,
      which is commonly seen in LMH class.
      Set value to "1" to manual override and use rear allocation,
      which is commonly seen in LMDh class.
    • Add "prefix_brake_migration" and "suffix_brake_migration" options for brake migration.
    • Add "column_index" and "decimal_places" options for both brake bias and brake migration.
  • Misc

    • Updated User Guide for Brake bias Widget.

Hash sum

SHA256: 6c8f32744cdba3b647577378633192f5a6e0777e49d5ebf70781526cff345d0a
SHA256: a862aaf0934d8756057671d8ebcc3a6bfd3ba6624d10d9a60296f3b3e193a6b6


04 Aug 09:59
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2.17.1 (2024-08-04)

  • Fuel energy saver Widget

    • Fixed "minimum_reserve" setting not taking effect.
  • Navigation Widget

    • Reworked map path drawing methods which completely eliminated high memory usage issue with this widget.
      Map drawing now uses around 1MB memory for normal tracks,
      and at most 3 or 4MB memory for very large tracks, such as Isle of Man.
      There is also a slightly increase in map display quality.

Hash sum

SHA256: 38a174bb4dd09eac11a9c85d3d7c7075c5cc21cbd12d3eac2d7e3bba3fe83c30
SHA256: 030769eb144abfbf4976427354f24c8a0d8b30aaaa9b905c9f3de91e1248e319


02 Aug 06:10
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2.17.0 (2024-08-02)

  • [New]Fuel energy saver Widget

    • Show current stint estimated total completable laps and completed laps
      based on current consumption.
    • Show estimated target lap consumption to save (extend) one or more total
      stint laps, with customizable number of target slots (10 for more, 5 for less).
    • Show delta consumption against target lap consumption, which allows
      fuel or energy saving to be visualized and easily controlled in real-time.
    • Show consumption type in "FUEL" or "NRG" (if virtual energy available).
    • Show last lap consumption.
    • For complete customizable options, usage examples, see User Guide "Fuel energy saver" section.
  • Virtual energy Widget

    • Add "delta energy consumption" display (to be in line with Fuel Widget),
      which shows "delta consumption" against last lap energy consumption.
    • Add "fuel bias" display, which shows estimated laps difference between
      fuel and virtual energy.
      Positive value means more laps can be run on fuel than energy;
      in other words, energy is drained faster than fuel.
      General speaking, it is a good idea to keep bias close to 0.0 so that
      fuel and energy drains at same pace, and slightly towards positive side
      to avoid running out of fuel before energy does.
    • Set new default low energy warning color to purple instead of red, which helps
      distinguish from Fuel Widget.
      Existing setting won't be affected, use Config "reset" to set new default.
  • Misc

    • Updated User Guide info for Fuel energy saver Widget, Virtual energy Widget.

Hash sum

SHA256: aeb795f6c42f8e0e7e854d9ddf16e6e46ba7f791a9bd4fd0d69b60be46e0e2b4
SHA256: dc4f7b9321d8826778607f4b5edee2320c39be98fcc3d97a05d362c643c576c6


29 Jul 11:46
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2.16.0 (2024-07-29)

  • Delta Module

    • Add data smoothing function to filter out unusual data noise.
    • Add "delta_smoothing_samples" option, which sets number of samples
      for delta data smoothing calculation using exponential moving average (EMA) method.
      Value range in "1" to "100". Default is "30" samples. Set to "1" to disable smoothing.
      Higher value results more smoothness, but may lose accuracy.
    • Add average laptime pace calculation and output.
    • Add "laptime_pace_samples" option, which sets number of samples
      for average laptime pace calculation (EMA).
      Value range in "1" to "20". Default is "6" samples. Set to "1" to disable averaging.
      Note, initial laptime pace is always based on player's all time personal best laptime if available.
      If a new laptime is faster than current laptime pace, it will replace
      current laptime pace without calculating average.
      Invalid lap, pit-in/out laps are always excluded from laptime pace calculation.
    • Add "laptime_pace_margin" option, which sets additional margin for current laptime
      that cannot exceed the sum of "laptime pace" and "margin".
      This option is used to minimize the impact of unusually slow laptime.
      Default value is "5" seconds. Minimum value is limited to "0.1".
  • Fuel Module

    • Now uses laptime pace value from Delta Module for real-time fuel calculation
      for increased consistency and accuracy.
  • Vehicles Module

    • Fixed pit timer incorrectly reset after pit out.
  • Flag Widget

    • "Pit Request" indicator now shows "pit-in laps countdown" alongside
      "estimated remaining laps" reading that current fuel or energy can run.
      Note, "pit-in laps countdown" value is always calculated towards
      the finish line of current stint's final lap, and thus is always
      less than or equal to "estimated remaining laps" reading.
      If countdown drops below 1.0 (laps), it indicates the final lap of current stint,
      and driver should pit in before the end of current lap to refuel.
      If countdown reaches zero or negative, there may still be some fuel or energy left in tank,
      however it will not be enough to complete another full lap.
  • Friction circle Widget

    • Add "show_trace_fade_out" option, which enables trace fade out effect.
    • Add "trace_fade_out_step" option, which sets trace fade out speed.
      Value range in "0.1" to "0.9", higher value increases trace fade out speed.
      Default value is "0.2". This option is enabled by default.
  • [New]Relative finish order Widget

    • New Relative finish order Widget that displays estimated relative finish order
      between leader and local player with corresponding refilling estimate.
      This widget auto-switches display mode ("TIME" or "LAPS") depends on current session type.
    • Show both predefined and customizable "leader's pit time" and "local player's pit time",
      as well as last pit stop time from leader and local player.
    • Show "leader's final lap progress" and "local player's final lap progress"
      that depend on current session type.
    • Show "relative lap difference" between leader and local player that is calculated from
      lap time pace difference of both players, which can be used to determine whether leader
      has the chance to overtake local player on final lap.
    • Show refilling type in "FUEL" or "NRG" (if virtual energy available).
    • Show estimated "local player's refilling" that depends on current session type.
    • For complete customizable options, usage examples, see User Guide "Relative finish order" section.
  • Timing Widget

    • Add "show_average_pace" option, which shows personal current average laptime pace,
      this reading is also used in real-time fuel calculation.
      Note, additional "average laptime pace" calculation setting can be found in "Delta Module" config.
      After ESC or session ended, laptime pace reading will be reset,
      and aligned to "all time personal best laptime" if available.
  • Weather forecast Widget

    • Add "number_of_forecasts" option, which sets number of forecasts to display.
      Value range in "1" to "4". Default is "4" forecasts.
    • Add "column_index_*" options for customizing data display order of each forecast.
  • Misc

    • Updated User Guide info for Delta Module, Flag Widget, Friction circle Widget,
      Relative finish order Widget, Timing Widget, Weather forecast Widget.

Hash sum

SHA256: c971369c8cb9268934d01c9132815f91febf73e6ab2f8649cd4a587403cbd99e
SHA256: 5193cef355ebf3d4212be756ddb684b1b7edd7755d3779d311fc05e90b243b73


13 Jul 03:53
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2.15.1 (2024-07-13)

  • General

    • Reworked preset saving system to prevent preset file corruption in rare case.
      Saving system now creates temporary backup for old preset file before saving.
      If all saving attempts failed, saving will be aborted,
      and old preset file will be restored to avoid preset file corruption.
    • Add "maximum_saving_attempts" option in Compatibility dialog,
      which sets maximum retry attempts for preset saving.
      Default value is "10". Minimum value is limited to "3" maximum attempts.
      Note, each attempt has a roughly 50ms delay.
  • Radar Widget

    • Fixed an issue where radar would not auto hide under certain condition.
  • Sectors Widget

    • Fixed incorrect PB sector time display if "target time" is set on "Personal".
  • Weather forecast Widget

    • Add "layout" option, which sets columns display order.
      "0" = show columns from left to right.
      "1" = show columns from right to left.
  • Misc

    • Updated User Guide info for Compatibility, Sectors Module, Weather forecast Widget.

Hash sum

SHA256: bc726f8b330821884134e114ef257e5099770adb377d67565ae4570f0fdd7544
SHA256: c68118676b354ea43a646a39d54a1792c529fa0b03d500caab629b30b9ccef28


11 Jul 10:10
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2.15.0 (2024-07-11)

  • General

    • Added new weather icon set (by S.Victor) in "images" folder.
  • Fuel Calculator

    • Add Battery charge drain & regen (%) per lap to history log.
    • History table now supports multi-selection that adds data
      from any columns at once.
  • RestAPI Module

    • Read "weather forecast" data from RF2 and LMU Rest API.
    • Improved and optimized accessing methods.
    • Updated session info accessing paths that work in
      both single-player and multi-player sessions.
    • Minimum "connection_timeout" value changed to "0.5".
  • Sectors Module

    • Now records both "session best" and "all time best" sectors timing data
      and saved as ".sector" file under "deltabest" folder.
    • Add "enable_all_time_best_sectors" option,
      which calculates sectors timing based on all time best sectors
      and affects "Sectors Widget" display.
      This option is enabled by default.
      Set "false" to calculate sectors timing from current session only.
      Note, both session best and all time best sectors data
      are saved no matter the setting.
    • Add reset "Sector best" option to "Reset data" menu.
  • Gear Widget

    • Add "rpm_bar_bkg_color" option, which sets RPM bar background color.
      Default color is full transparent.
    • Add "battery_bar_bkg_color" option, which sets RPM bar background color.
      Default color is semi-transparent.
  • Pedal Widget

    • Add "show_readings" option, which shows pedal input
      and force feedback readings.
      Note, while "show_*_filtered" option is enabled, only the highest
      reading between filtered & raw input is displayed.
      Text position can be adjusted by "readings_offset" option,
      default value is 0.5, which sets position in the middle.
  • [New]Weather forecast Widget

    • Show weather forecast info from RF2 or LMU, which includes:
      • Show weather icons corresponds to 11 in-game "sky types".
      • Show estimated time reading, ambient temperature reading,
        and visualized rain chance bar for upcoming weather.
        Weather forecast currently only support in-game weather.
        The first column (with "now" label) always shows live weather condition & temperature.
        The first column always shows live rain severity instead of rain chance.
        Estimated time reading only works in time-based race.
    • Each forecast info (except weather icon) can be individually toggled on or off.
    • Auto hide unavailable weather data column.
      Note, auto hide only works for time-based race.
  • Misc

    • Updated User Guide info for Fuel Calculator, RestAPI Module, Sectors Module,
      Pedal Widget, Weather forecast Widget.

Hash sum

SHA256: 33147a3f62a34a2753a582dd6fb2c7a5553d9c863dc4a55e214ce232c7962930
SHA256: 1dc194941946ba23368432220074afafef115739fc3b2b9250d255e47d977a21


24 Jun 17:37
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2.14.1 (2024-06-24)

  • Radar Widget

    • Add 3 new "auto_hide_minimum_distance" options (ahead, behind, side),
      which define an invisible rectangle area(unit meter) that auto hides radar
      if no vehicle is within the rectangle area.
      Default value is "-1", which auto scales with "radar_radius" value.
      Set to any positive value to customize radar auto-hide range.
    • Add 3 new "vehicle_maximum_visible_distance" options (ahead, behind, side),
      which define an invisible rectangle area(unit meter) that
      hides any vehicle outside the rectangle area.
      Default value is "-1", which auto scales with "radar_radius" value.
      Set to any positive value to customize vehicle visible range.
    • Add 3 additional distance circle marks (total of 5 marks)
      that can be used to determine nearby vehicle relative distance.
      Each circle's default radius value is "10" meter apart.
      Note, circle marks are only displayed if "distance_circle_*_radius" values
      are within "radar_radius" value.
  • Relative, Rivals, Standings Widget

    • Now draws logo only once per unique brand and stores image in cache.
  • Misc

    • Updated User Guide info for Radar Widget.

Hash sum

SHA256: 22b8260969975f12ea62577fe412d17453e293499e9879f529304bf7aeaea2e0
SHA256: 395f3d9e8eb99a8aaa2aec8cf8fc19daa2031738280e546ee9988e5258906784


14 Jun 09:19
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2.14.0 (2024-06-14)

  • General

    • Config window can now be opened by double-clicking on tray icon.
  • Vehicle Brand Editor

    • Add new "import from" menu, which allows importing
      brand info directly from Rest API.
      To import from Rest API, just make sure game is running,
      then click either "RF2 Rest API" or "LMU Rest API" from menu, done.
      Note, import function uses connection setting from "RestAPI Module".
  • Fuel calculator

    • Add "Virtual Energy" history data and calculation.
      All fuel calculation outputs are now aligned on the left side,
      and virtual energy outputs on the right side for easy comparison.
      See user guide "Fuel calculator" section for details.
    • Add "Fuel ratio" output, which is automatically calculated from
      fuel and virtual energy consumption values.
    • Lap time values are now automatically carried over between spin boxes
      when exceeded min or max value range.
      It is now quicker and easier to adjust lap time by
      mouse clicking or scrolling.
    • "Reload" button now only updates valid lap time data
      to lap time spin boxes.
  • [New]Energy Module

    • Add Energy Module for calculating virtual energy usage in LMU.
    • Add new "energy delta" user data file that stored as "CSV" format
      (.energy extension) under "TinyPedal\deltabest" folder.
      Energy delta data can be reset by accessing "Reset" menu.
  • RestAPI Module

    • Read "virtual energy" values from LMU's Rest API
      for used in Energy Module.
    • Read "steering wheel range" value from LMU's Rest API
      for used in Steering Widget.
      This value is only used when "steering wheel range" value
      cannot be read from sharedmemory API.
    • Fixed a timeout error.
  • Flag Widget

    • Now shows low fuel (or low virtual energy if available) indicator
      when below certain amount value.
      Only one indicator will be displayed for low fuel (LF) or low virtual energy (LE),
      depends on which one would deplete sooner.
    • Now shows low fuel value in "liter" or "gallon" based on fuel unit setting.
  • Fuel Widget

    • Add "swap_upper_caption" and "swap_lower_caption" options,
      which swap caption row position.
    • Add "column_index_*" options, which set display order for
      upper, middle, and lower rows.
  • Lap time history Widget, Stint history Widget

    • Add "show_virtual_energy_if_available" option,
      which shows virtual energy consumption instead of
      fuel consumption if available.
      This option is enabled by default.
  • [New]Virtual Energy Widget

    • Show Virtual Energy usage data. Most settings and functionalities
      work the same way as Fuel Widget.
    • Show "fuel ratio" between estimated fuel and energy consumption,
      which can help balance fuel and energy usage,
      as well as providing refueling reference for adjusting
      pitstop Fuel ratio during race.
    • Virtual Energy usage readings are displayed in percentage,
      which range from 0 to 100.
  • Misc

    • Updated User Guide info for Brands preset, Fuel calculator, Energy Module,
      RestAPI Module, Flag Widget, Fuel Widget, Lap time history Widget,
      Stint history Widget, Virtual Energy Widget.

Hash sum

SHA256: 1c94c23ebe4a52d18aec120b1030d6e5b616164b983b74868d027502076339a1
SHA256: be068ad910cc0ad19bec567c2c996a20f8c219cba6e8bb057ffb7664e100d409