Faux Exchange is a crypto trading platform designed to teach the broader community how to trade with crypto this is version 1.0
Please visit Faux Exchange to launch the web application. to build from source files, ensure you have MongoDB installed on the machine navigate to the root directory and run this command:
gradlew build && java -jar build\libs\fauxexchange-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Standard User:
not currently avaliable
- UI theme applied accross entire site
- Backend rest API communicating with frontend
- User Registration and login are working
- Site up live on Google Cloud Platform Faux Exchange
- Users can now buy and sell crypto
- User Infomation displayed in dash
- Users can now add friends and track scores
- Users can zoom and pan on the crypto graph
- Users can logout
- Arnold D'Silva - Technical Lead - RMIT
- Mark Nguyen - Scrum Master - RMIT
- Joseph Garner - UI/UX Lead - RMIT
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for the controbution rules
- Spring Boot
- MongoDB
- TymeLeaf
- React JS
- Standard HTML and CSS