Models and code for deep learning representations developed by the AWS AI Speech team:
- DeCoAR (self-supervised contextual representations for speech recognition)
- BERTphone (phonetically-aware acoustic BERT for speaker and language recognition)
- DeCoAR 2.0 (deep contextualized acoustic representation with vector quantization)
We also support other pre-trained models, namely wav2vec and wav2vec 2.0.
We provide a library and CLI to featurize speech utterances. We hope to release training/fine-tuning code in the future.
Kaldi should be installed to kaldi/
should be set.
We expect Python 3.6+. Our models are defined in MXNet; we may support export to PyTorch in the future. Clone this repository, then:
pip install -e .
pip install mxnet-mkl~=1.6.0 # ...or mxnet-cu102mkl for GPU w/ CUDA 10.2, etc.
pip install gluonnlp # optional; for featurizing with bertphone
pip install torch fairseq # optional; for featurizing with wav2vec, decaor 2.0
First, download the model weights:
mkdir artifacts
# For DeCoAR trained on LibriSpeech (257M)
wget -qO- | zcat > artifacts/decoar-encoder-29b8e2ac.params
# For wav2vec trained on LibriSpeech (311M)
wget -P artifacts/
# For wav2vec_2.0 trained on LibriSpeech (please download it from
# For BertPhone_8KHz(λ=0.2) trained on Fisher
wget -qO- | zcat > artifacts/bertphone_fisher_02-87159543.params
# For Decoar 2.0 to be released
We support featurizing individual files with the CLI:
speech-reps featurize --model {decoar,bertphone,wav2vec etc.} --in-wav <input_file>.wav --out-npy <output_file>.npy
# --params <file>: load custom weights (otherwise use `artifacts/`)
# --gpu <int>: use GPU (otherwise use CPU)
or in code:
from speech_reps.featurize import DeCoARFeaturizer
# Load the model on GPU 0
featurizer = DeCoARFeaturizer('artifacts/decoar-encoder-29b8e2ac.params', gpu=0)
# Returns a (time, feature) NumPy array
data = featurizer.file_to_feats('my_wav_file.wav')
We plan to support Kaldi .scp
and .ark
files soon. For now, batches can be processed with the underlying featurizer._model
If you found our package or pre-trained models useful, please cite the relevant work:
author = {Shaoshi Ling and Yuzong Liu and Julian Salazar and Katrin Kirchhoff},
title = {Deep Contextualized Acoustic Representations For Semi-Supervised Speech Recognition},
booktitle = {{ICASSP}},
pages = {6429--6433},
publisher = {{IEEE}},
year = {2020}
author = {Shaoshi Ling and Julian Salazar and Yuzong Liu and Katrin Kirchhoff},
title = {BERTphone: Phonetically-aware Encoder Representations for Speaker and Language Recognition},
booktitle = {{Speaker Odyssey}},
publisher = {{ISCA}},
year = {2020}
title={DeCoAR 2.0: Deep Contextualized Acoustic Representations with Vector Quantization},
author={Shaoshi Ling and Yuzong Liu},