An in-progress implementation of a terminal interface making use of Sandblocks for display.
Pre-built PseudoTTYPlugin (step 2) is compiled only for linux-amd64. You can compile your own via the opensmalltalk-vm repo.
- Download and extract
- Copy
of your extracted squeak-trunk folder - Run squeak, then run in a workspace:
Metacello new
baseline: 'SBTreeSitter';
repository: 'github://hpi-swa-lab/sb-tree-sitter:master/packages';
get; load.
- Click "Tools > Git", wait for it to install
- Add new project, select sb-terminal, right-click newest commit, "checkout objects". (when it asks to fix the font, click no)
- Run
SBEditor open openMorphInView: (SBStPlayground newFromSource: 'SBBashPrompt new open')
- Run the line in the sandblocks workspace, enjoy a bash!
This project bundles the termimal emulator and pseudo tty implementation for Squeak by Ian Piumarta originally published here, used with permission.