An android application which I built in a hackathon event 'HackAMU' in my college annual fest 'ZARF'.
- Login/ Signup as a student.
- Chat with any teacher as a student.
- Get any teacher's location if he or she has enabled it.
- Student can see the distance between him/her & the teacher if he/she has made location visible.
- Login/ Signup as faculty/teacher.
- Chat with any student as a teacher/faculty.
- Enable/Hide your location if you are a faculty/teacher.
- Offline Login/SignUp system implemented via Room Database.
- Push notifications (without Firebase i.e. manual notifications) on several events like message recieved, self location shared or location shared by any faculty/teacher.
- Material Dialogs
- Firebase & its Services
- Google Play Services
- Android Architecture Components
- Dagger-2
- Room
- zoomage
- In order to build/run this application, you need to add your 'google-services.json' file in the app folder.
- This app has two faces, one for students & one for faculty. If you want to test all the functionalities, then two android mobile phones with two different emails are required at the same time. One for the student & another for the faculty. After this, start location sharing with the device signed up as faculty, the other device will be automatically notified & can start tracking faculty. Chat services can also be tested.
- Location & distance may not be too accurate as it depends on several factors like internet connection speed, location mode etc. Accuracy improves by time.