This extension make debugging much easier by automating the operation of writing meaningful log message.
Inspired from :
I) Insert meaningful log message automatically
Two steps:
Selecting the variable which is the subject of the debugging
Pressing ctrl + alt + L
The log message will be inserted in the next line relative to the selected variable like this:
fmt.Println("SelectedVariableEnclosingClassName -> SelectedVariableEnclosingFunctionName -> SelectedVariable", SelectedVariable)
Multiple cursor supported.
Properties: It still uses turboConsoleLog for settings will be replaced in future.
turboConsoleLog.wrapLogMessage (boolean): Whether to wrap the log message or not.
turboConsoleLog.logMessagePrefix (string): The prefix of the log message (default one is 🚀 ).
turboConsoleLog.addSemicolonInTheEnd (boolean): Whether to put a semicolon in the end of the log message or not.
turboConsoleLog.insertEnclosingClass (boolean): Whether to insert or not the enclosing class of the selected variable in the log message.
turboConsoleLog.insertEnclosingFunction (boolean): Whether to insert or not the enclosing function of the selected variable in the log message.
turboConsoleLog.delemiterInsideMessage (string): The delimiter that will separate the different log message elements (file name, line number, class, function and variable)
turboConsoleLog.includeFileNameAndLineNum (boolean): Whether to include the file name and the line number of the log message.
turboConsoleLog.quote (enum): Double quotes (""), single quotes ('') or backtick(``).
You're more than welcome to participate in the development of the extension by creating pull requests and submitting issues, link of the project in github:
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