==> Meals App built with React Native, TypeScript, Expo, Redux and React Navigation. It allows users to browse and search for different meals, view details and recipes, and create a personalized collection of favorite meals. The app utilizes key React Native features and powerful tools to provide a delightful cooking and meal planning experience.
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- Features
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- Run Locally
- Screenshots
- React Native
- TypeScript
- Expo
- React Navigation
- Redux
- Function components
- React hooks
- TypeScript
- Browse meals: Users can browse through a collection of meals, organized by categories.
- Meal details: Users can view detailed information about a selected meal, including ingredients, instructions, and nutritional information.
- Favorite meals: Users can add meals to their list of favorites and access them easily.
- Search meals: Users can search for specific meals based on keywords or filters. (TODO)
- Personalization: Users can create a personalized profile and customize their favorite meals collection. (TODO)
- Meal planning: Users can plan their meals for the week by adding meals to specific days. (TODO)
For support, you can contact me via email saddamarbaas@gmail.com or create an issue on the GitHub repository.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, please reach out to me at saddamarbaas@gmail.com. Your feedback is valuable in improving the app.
Twitter https://twitter.com/ArbaaSaddam/
Linkedin. https://www.linkedin.com/in/saddamarbaa/
Github https://github.com/saddamarbaa
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/saddam.dev/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/saddam.arbaa
Clone the project
Go to the project directory
Install dependencies
yarn install
Start the server
yarn start
Contributions are always welcome!
The project is currently under active development, and I'm working on it in my free time.