An Android EventSource (SSE) Library This is a Java implementation of the EventSource - a client for Server-Sent Events. The implementation is based on Netty
This project is based of off EventSource-Java:
One addition made to the original source is that headers can now be passed in the method to include authorization tokens, etc in the request.
Note: In order to use eventsource, you must create and connect the event source from a separate thread. If you are planning to update a view's ui from the handler, you will need to use runOnUI or create a handler tied to the main thread.
I've packaged the code into an android library. Just assembleRelease in gradle to create the neccessary AAR file. In the near future, I will upload the library to jcenter.
Example implementation:
Thread eventThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
eventSource = new EventSource(Uri, new SSEHandler(), extraHeaderParameters, true);
} catch(URISyntaxException e) {
Log.v("Error starting eventsource", "True");
private class SSEHandler implements EventSourceHandler {
public SSEHandler() {
public void onConnect() {
Log.v("SSE Connected", "True");
public void onMessage(String event, MessageEvent message) {
Log.v("SSE Message", event);
Log.v("SSE Message: ", message.lastEventId);
Log.v("SSE Message: ",;
public void onComment(String comment) {
//comments only received if exposeComments turned on
Log.v("SSE Comment", comment);
public void onError(Throwable t) {
Log.v("SSE Error", "True");
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
Log.v("SSE Stacktrace", sw.toString());
public void onClosed(boolean willReconnect) {
Log.v("SSE Closed", "reconnect? " + willReconnect);
To stop event source, make sure to run eventSource.close(), as well as remove the handler and thread instance.