π Senior Android Developer
With +6 years of experience in Android development, I'm passionate about creating robust, user-friendly mobile applications that make a difference.
I'm proud to contribute to open-source projects. Here are some of my recent contributions:
- Google Project (Now in Android): change collectJob to backgroundScope
- Pokedex compose: change coroutine version for fix some issue.
- Develop high-performance Android applications
- Architect scalable and maintainable codebases
- Implement modern Android development practices (MVI, Clean Architecture, Jetpack Compose)
- Optimize app performance and user experience
- Mvi | Mvvm
- Clean Architecture
- Jetpack Compose
- Kotlin Coroutines | Flow
- Dagger Hilt | Koin
- JUnit | MockK | Mockito
- Kotlin | Java
- Android SDK | Jetpack Libraries
- Retrofit | OkHttp
- Room | SQLite
- Always staying updated with the latest Android development trends and best practices.
- Please check my Medium account :[https://medium.com/@shayansaeedi]
Feel free to explore my repositories and don't hesitate to reach out for collaborations or discussions!