Porting my favorite game, Spybot: The Nightfall Incident Shockwave to Javascript. Demo at theninthbit
- strategy game. themed on hacking. most similar to Advance Wars
- developed in 2002 and no longer officially available.
- originally developed by gameLabs for Lego
- js demo mirroring game functionality.
- navigating a map. unexplored, offlimits, explored, new
- databattles with programs
- platform for storyline. triggers for dialogue
- stores (not developed)
- true to the original gameplay style and strategies
- leverage cool javascripting
- multiplayer environment. unsure if its 1v1 or NvN
- better animations
- api for programming your own game tools
- multiple ai's with different play styles like Transportation Tycoon
- a new storyline
- modern graphics style
- backend server integration for scoring / multiplayer / ai processing
- story writing
- graphics and style
- astar in javascript. its in
- animation queue scheduling that splits functions into slices per frame