This project provides an implementation of a Merkle Tree in Go. It supports creating a Merkle Tree, generating Merkle proofs, verifying proofs, and inserting and updating leaves.
- Incremental Updates: The Merkle tree is updated incrementally when an existing leaf is updated. This ensures efficient updates without needing to rebuild the entire tree.
- Handling Odd Number of Leaves: When the number of leaves is odd, the implementation duplicates the last leaf to maintain a balanced tree structure. This choice simplifies the tree operations and ensures consistent performance.
- No Sorting of Leaves: The leaves are not sorted before building the tree, preserving the order of insertion.
Ensure you have Go 1.21.3 installed on your system.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd merkletree-implementation
You can build the application using the provided Makefile. This will compile the Go code and produce a binary in the build
make build
To run the tests, use the following command. This will execute all tests and provide a coverage report.
make test
After building the application, you can run it using the following command:
make run
This will build the application (if not already built) and then run it.
To clean up the build artifacts and cached test results, use the following command:
make clean
Here is an example of how to use the Merkle Tree implementation in your Go code:
package main
import (
func main() {
data := [][]byte{
tree := merkletree.NewMerkleTree(data, utils.SHA256Hash)
fmt.Printf("Root hash: %x\n", tree.Root.Hash)
// Generate proof for a leaf
proof, err := tree.GenerateMerkleProof([]byte("data1"))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error generating proof:", err)
fmt.Println("Proof for data1 generated successfully")
// Verify the proof
isValid := merkletree.VerifyMerkleProof(tree.Root.Hash, []byte("data1"), proof, utils.SHA256Hash)
fmt.Printf("Proof valid: %v\n", isValid)
// Insert new leaf
fmt.Printf("New root hash after inserting data5: %x\n", tree.Root.Hash)