An Ansible role for installing a Dropshare server
This role only sets up a server for use with a dropshare client via SSH. You still need Dropshare installed on the client end (your end) to utilize this.
This role looks for server.crt and server.key, so make sure to have one available or generate your own. It is also based around Centos 7 at the moment, with support for more server types coming soon.
- server_hostname -- The hostname of your server
- pub_key_location -- Where Ansible can find the pub key for Dropshare, to add to authorized_keys for the dropshare user
- ssl_files -- The SSL crt and key files. Add them similar to the example playbook below, as an array.
Not dependent on other roles.
- hosts: dropshare
remote_user: root
- { role: dropshare }
server_hostname: 'myserver.internal'
pub_key_location: '~/.ssh/'
- ~/Documents/server.crt
- ~/Documents/server.key
Stephen Gagliardo