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NativeAds RecyclerView Library

Android library for add Naive Ads into RecyclerView list items.


  • Updated to the latest version of Admob SDK
  • Supported on Android SDK 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
  • Updated RVAdapter to Kotlin

For developer

To make your app can earn more revengue by Showing Native Ads into RecyclerView list items. Please check more details from below.

How to use NaiveAds RecyclerView Library

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

allprojects {
  	repositories {
  		maven { url '' }

If you are using Android Studio Bumble bee or latest version, add JitPack repository to settings.gradle file.

dependencyResolutionManagement {
  repositories {
      maven { url '' } // add this line

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.saitawngpha:NativeAds-RecyclerView:1.0.2'

Step 3. Add below code to setup your Adapter by Kotlin.

    recyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this@MainActivity)
        val admobNativeAdAdapter: AdmobNativeAdAdapter = AdmobNativeAdAdapter.Builder
                "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2247696110",  //Create a native ad id from admob console
                myAdapter,  //The adapter you would normally set to your recyClerView
                "medium" //Set it with "small","medium" or "custom"
            .adItemIterval(2) //native ad repeating interval in the recyclerview
        recyclerView.adapter = admobNativeAdAdapter

Add below code to setup your Adapter by Java.

  AdmobNativeAdAdapter admobNativeAdAdapter=AdmobNativeAdAdapter.Builder
	      "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2247696110",//Create a native ad id from admob console
	      myAdapter,//The adapter you would normally set to your recyClerView
	      "medium"//Set it with "small","medium" or "custom"
    .adItemIterval(2)//native ad repeating interval in the recyclerview
recyclerView.setAdapter(admobNativeAdAdapter);//set your RecyclerView adapter with the admobNativeAdAdapter


Native ads Small Layout Native ads Medium Layout

Reference Project

Special thanks to daoibrahim

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