Safe and Performant Scientific Computing Library.
Right now the library is still in research phase where I am taking time to understand the internal implementations of Candle and Pytorch by reimplementing them. For production usage please try out Candle because its really awesome.
- Add Tensor::new method to create a Tensdor from data
- Fix shape similar to PyTorch
- Provide default contiguous layout - C type (Row Major)
- Implement view and reshape in Layout
- Add Proper Error Handling (
- Add Arc and Rw::Lock for Storage in Tensor
- Implement Display for Tensor to print the matrix
- Implement Indexing which return a tensor
- Refactor indexing
- Add tuple with range indexing
- Fix Pretty Printing of Tensor
- Fix Display with PrintOptions
- Add I32 data type
- Add Baisc Docs for Tensor
- Add Tests for Narrow and Squeeze,
- Add macros and optimze code for ops
- Add Basic Binray Ops to Tensor
- Add basic unary ops
- Add Basic CUDA Device support
- Add Basic CUDA Ops
- Add to_device method support for converting the device of Tensor
- Refactor Error::Unknown and fix todo
- The Array trait implementation right now is doing many recurssive operations, can we minimize it?
- Combine common tests for different devices
- Add to_dtype method to convert the data type
- Add strided index in CPU and CUDA
- Ops to use strided index for CPU and CUDA
- Fix Comp Op and Broadcasting
- Add Basic Back Prop
- Add other Ops like Pow, Matmul, Add types for Unary CUDA Ops in kernel
- Add in place Binary and Unary ops (ex, tensor.add_, tensor.abs_)
- Impl flatten (this should when used to_vec1 give 1D array of strided indexed elements)
- Add Tensor.to_vec methods, to get different dim vectors
- Improve Code Coverage
- Fix select_index method
- Add Benchmarking (
- Support Fotran Memory layout (colum Major)
- Study Torch7 Library and how Storage, Tensor is implemented
- flowtorch-nn crate for Neural Net Utilities and Layers
- Inference MNIST
- Inference ImageNet Model
- Inference BERT/LLM's
- Add basic autograd functionality
- Train and Test a simple MNIST example
Running Tests for CUDA
cargo test --features "cuda" -- --nocapture
Running Coverage
# Without CUDA
cargo tarpaulin --verbose --workspace --timeout 120 --out Html
# With CUDA
cargo tarpaulin --features="cuda" --verbose --workspace --timeout 120 --out Html
To excule cuda_backend from coverage for non cuda environment (GithubActions)
cargo tarpaulin --verbose --workspace --timeout 120 --out Html --exclude-files "crates/flowtorch-core/src/cuda_backend/**/*"