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🚀 A daily log of my learning journey in development! 💻📚 Here, I share important commands, code snippets, and topics—ranging from basic to advanced—that I'm exploring every day. Join me as I grow and evolve in my coding skills! 🌟

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MyDailyLearn 🧑‍💻

This repository is a collection of useful commands, code snippets, and tutorials covering various technologies and concepts I encounter in my journey as a developer. 🌱

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Topic Question


What is React

React Props

Use Default Props
Use PropTypes to Define the Props We Expect

Life Cycle

React Hook Flow Diagram
React App Life-cycle Walk through
LifeCycle Methods in Class Component

React State

Understanding React setState
Update a State Property
Passing a Function to setState()
Access Previous State using Updater
Lazy Initialization
What is useState Lazy Initialization?
Derived State
When to Use Derived State?
What is flushSync?
Alternative State Initialization

React Hooks

Which is preferred, useLayoutEffect or useEffect?
useLayoutEffect vs useEffect
What would happen if a user clicks on a 'count button' on the UI?
When to use useLayoutEffect instead of useEffect?
What is useImperativeHandle hook?
Why use useImperativeHandle?
How useImperativeHandle works?
How can we focus a child component's input element using useImperativeHandle
When to use useImperativeHandle

Type of Components

Stateless Functional Component, Stateless Component and Stateful Component
Compound Component
Uncontrolled Component
Controlled Component
Higher Order Component


React Fragment

Refs and the DOM

Refs and the DOM
When to Use Refs
Creating Refs
Accessing Refs
Use Callback on Image Load with Ref

React Portals

React Portals
Usage of Portals

React Route

Familiar with Various React Router Libraries
How to Not Navigation with React Router
Three (3) Types of Router

Context API

Understand Context API
Referencing Context in Stateless Functional Components
Redux vs Context API


Use of react-addons-perf
What are the tricks we can use to optimize react app?


React vs ReactDOM
How to Prevent from re-rendering?
When to Use Component Instead of PureComponent?
How can we avoid Props Drilling in React?
What is the render props?
React Unit Tests vs Integration Tests for Components?
Migration from Class to Function Component
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Topic Question


Explain Hoisting in JavaScript
Why Hoisting Important?
First, memory is set aside for all necessary variables and declared functions
Function Expressions are never hoisted! They are treated as assignments
Check if return statement is at the top
Analyzing Hoisting Load Order I
Analyzing load order II
Analyzing Load Order III
The variables declared with let or const are hoisted but stay uninitialised


Closures and References
Closures Help in Function Construction Zones
Loops with Closure: A cautionary Tale

Prototypes and Inheritance

What is Constructor call?
What is [[Prototype]] and where does it come from?
How does [[Prototype]] affect the behavior of an object?
What is the 3 different ways to find where an object[[Prototype]] linked to?
Discuss: __proto__, [[Prototype]], prototype
Two mechanism always exists in JavaScirpt -- Lexical Scopes & Prototype Chain
Object Oriented in JavaScript
Explanation of Prototype
When an inherited function is executed, the value of this points to the inheriting object, not to the prototype object where the function is an own property
New object using Object.create() (ES5)
New object using class syntactical sugar
Similar in Object pattern
Use hasOwnProperty() to know if the property exists as it's own property
Prototype shadowing
Avoid Shadowing
Object Linked
OLOO (Object Linked to Other Object): delegated objects
Convert the above codes to OLOO
Class in ES6
Different ways to create objects and the resulting prototype chain
Dig into some examples from MDN
We have to call super first in constructor


Explain Coercion in JavaScript with examples


Public class fields
Private class fields
Public and static properties

JavaScript this keyword

How does this keyword change in different context?
1. this in Global Context
2. this in Object Constructor
3. this in an Object Method
4. this in a Simple function
5. this in a Arrow function
6. this in Event listener
Default Rules
Hard Binding of this
Priority of this binding (top -> bottom: hight -> low)

Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)

Explain why the following doesn't work as an IIFE

Event Loop

Underesting Asynchronous JavaScript --- Event Loop
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3: Callback Hell

JavaScript Reactivity

JavaScript Reactivity using 'Object.defineProperty()'


What is asynchronous programming and why is it important?
Explain Event Delegation
Describe Event Bubbling
What are benefits of named function over a anonymous function
Difference between target vs currentTarget
What is Factory Function?
Difference: null, undefined and undeclared?
What does JavaScript get and getter keyword do?
Define a getter on new objects in object initializers
Defining a getter on existing objects using defineProperty
Using a computed property
Get vs defineProperty()
What is the two conditions of being Module?
How to get Unique values of an Array?
How to remove all falsy values from an Array?
How to create an Empty Object?
How to require function parameters by force?
How to get Query String Parameters?
What is Debouncing in JavaScript?
How to determine what should be the this keyword value?
Convert a string to spinal string
What type of Scoping Rule(s) does JavaScript have?
What are 3 different ways we can create a new Scoped variable?
What are the four things the new keyword actually does when we put in front of a function call?
What is the different between undeclared and undefined?
What is the only value in JS that is not equal to itself!?
What does happen when we declare a variable with var and let?
Compare: null, undefiend, NaN
Implement an Event Emitter that supports standard operations
How to Write Optimized JavaScript?
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Topic Question
Configure git
Git config file locations
Configure user's name & email
Other config commands
Common references and terminology
Create new branch
Delete branch
Quick switch back to previous branch/commit-sha/references etc.
Branch listing
Rename a branch
Track a new branch
Essential Git Commands
Git Add
Git Commit
Git Amend
Git Pull
Git Push
Git Merge
Checkout forward/backward
Cherry Pick
Cherry Pick
Show - more logging
Recovery or Reset
Recovery or Reset
Reset using reflog
Change the author of an earlier commit
Change the commit message of an earlier commit
Reordering commits using rebase
Rebase options
Working with Remotes
Working with remotes
Git Submodules
Important operations
Some important operations
Cleanup garbage in remote repository
Remove Large Files from Git History with BFG
Search all of git history for a String
Prune empty commits
Create a new WorkTree and work in parallel in the same repo (different branch)
Add a signed-off-by field in a commit
How to tell git to ignore local changes (already tracked by git)?
Generate a Git Hash (SHA1) for specific contents
Tag and Releases
Tag and Releases
Fancy commands
Fancy Commands
Quickly browse the history of files in any git repos
Tracked vs Untrack file
GitHub vs Git
Commit Object
Three areas where code lives
Three types of git References
Different types of HEAD
The Seven Rules of a Great Git Commit Message
Difference between HEAD~ and HEAD^
  • Docker Install (latest or a specific version)
  • Run docker as daemon
  • Remove all containers
  • Remove all images
  • Run an image
  • print log of a container
  • Exec a container
  • Run image with binding port


🚀 A daily log of my learning journey in development! 💻📚 Here, I share important commands, code snippets, and topics—ranging from basic to advanced—that I'm exploring every day. Join me as I grow and evolve in my coding skills! 🌟







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