Java library for supporting the following expressions:
- If expression
Java versions:
- 8 or later
"FizzBuzz" can be implemented as following:
import static;
String fizzBuzz = ifExp(i % 15 == 0).then(() -> "FizzBuzz")
.elseIf(() -> i % 3 == 0).then(() -> "Fizz")
.elseIf(() -> i % 5 == 0).then(() -> "Buzz")
.elseExp(() -> String.valueOf(i));
If you use Java14 or later, you can use the official switch expression .
import static;
import static;
import static;
int length = switchExp(day).cases(
caseIn(MONDAY, FRIDAY, SUNDAY).yield(() -> 6),
caseEq(TUESDAY).yield(() -> 7),
caseIn(THURSDAY, SATURDAY).yield(() -> 8),
caseIn(WEDNESDAY).yield(() -> 9),
Cases.<Day>caseDefault().yield(() -> -1));
import static;
double perimeter = switchExp(shape).cases(
Cases.<Shape, Rectangle>caseInstanceOf(Rectangle.class)
.yield(r -> r.length * 2 + r.width * 2),
Cases.<Shape, Circle>caseInstanceOf(Circle.class)
.yield(r -> 2 * r.radius * Math.PI));
See also the sample code
If expression is a little slower than If statement, but it's enough fast when number of calls is not huge (e.g. over 10000000(10^7)).
Here is a result of the benchmark in the CI environment.
The benchmark just performs solve FizzBuzz and sum up of the length of the result.
- java.vm.vendor:AdoptOpenJDK
- java.vm.version:11.0.11+9
- os.version:5.13.0-1023-azure
Benchmark of FizzBuzz.
Loop count is 10000000.
Elapsed Time in ms:
Count | If statement with method | If Expression |
1 | 252 | 880 |
2 | 266 | 585 |
3 | 270 | 582 |
4 | 270 | 581 |
5 | 265 | 594 |
6 | 269 | 580 |
Switch expression is slower than Switch statement, and might be slower than official switch expression. When the number of calls is little huge (e.g. over 1000000(10^6)), please use switch statement or official switch expression.
Here is a result of the benchmark in the CI environment.
- java.vm.vendor:AdoptOpenJDK
- java.vm.version:11.0.11+9
- os.version:5.13.0-1023-azure
Benchmark of length count of days. Loop count is 125000. Elapsed Time in ms:
Count | Switch statement with method | Switch Expression |
1 | 95 | 747 |
2 | 51 | 525 |
3 | 51 | 481 |
4 | 28 | 477 |
5 | 20 | 478 |
6 | 20 | 476 |