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Releases: sakisdog/esp-homekit-demo

Thermostat example for ESP-WROOM-02

15 Feb 19:29
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This is an example for the thermostat homekit accessory. It was built to work with an ESP-WROOM-02 board with an onboard OLED display and a 18650 battery holder, but you can use it with any ESP8266 board with 4 or more GPIOs.
The wiring for the GPIO is:
GPIO 12 - Button up
GPIO 13 - Button down
GPIO 14 - Reset settings button
GPIO 15 - Relay Switch
GPIO 5 - SDA (for the OLED)
GPIO 4 - SCL (for the OLED)

  1. Download rboot.bin and blank_config.bin from esp-open-rtos repository.
  2. Download the thermostat.bin.
  3. Erase flash with -p /dev/<your_ESPPort> erase_flash
  4. Flash the firmware with -p /dev/<your_ESPPort> --baud 115200 write_flash -fs 4MB -fm dout -ff 40m \ 0x0 rboot.bin 0x1000 blank_config.bin 0x2000 thermostat.bin