It is a Django based website that scrapes information from Codeforces website using Beautiful Soup. It uses PostgreSQL as the backend database. The following are the key features of this project:
- User registration, login, and logout.
- Get contest details of upcoming contests.
- Get the leaderboard for coders from my college, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati.
- Get information about a user like their name, rating, college’s name, color, title etc.
- Get information about stats of the submissions made by a user like languages used, verdicts and the level of problem attempted. It also shows them pictorially, pie charts for languages and verdicts and bar graph for levels of problem.
- Chat among users with all the message history getting saved in the database.
Check it out here !
- Frontend: HTML/CSS
- Backend: Django
- Database : PostgreSQL
- Clone the repo.
- Create virtual environment.
- python -m venv env
- env\Scripts\activate
- This will create env folder.
- Change Directory.
- cd Codeforces-Crawler
- Install dependencies.
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- Update the password for your 'postgres' superuser in Then make migrations.
- python makemigrations
- Migrate database.
- python migrate
- Create a superuser.
- python createsuperuser
- Run server.
- python runserver
- Server starts at ''
- Get information for other coding platforms like CodeChef, Leetcode etc.
- Explore some APIs that may be present for these purposes as scraping tends to be slow.
- Use Multiprocessing Pool python library to improve speed.
- Implement Google, Outlook or GitHub account based authentication.