PCL is my Intermediate Language used for implementing my lower level systems language and also for C.
Here, the 'Host' is the front end compiler that writes PCL code, and the Source Language is the one that the host compiles.
- PCL uses only the primitive fixed width static types listed below
- It implements a stack virtual machine
- The stack can notionally hold values of any type and size, including block types of arbitrary but fixed width
The PCL language tries to hide details of the target machine, such as:
- Machine registers (eg. having different register sets for integers and floats)
- The platform ABI, which includes call conventions
- Any limitations such as missing or restricted intructions
However the Source Language will have an idea of the likely target, for example it's not practical to implement a 64-bit language on an 8-bit target.
PCL expects targets to be byte-addressable, have 8-bit bytes, and with machine words, registers and stack slots having power-of-two widths.
They are also expected to have a flat address space, with a fixed size of pointer for both code and data.
Normally this is right-to-left. Since arguments are numbered via setarg
, the backend could reorder them if it wished, but that would be fiddly. I will probably add a way for the host to interrogate the backend to determine the prefered order.
That is, passing structs by value which are a fixed size, and passing arrays by value, also a fixed size. PCL notionally passes these by value. In practice, it follows the ABI in passing some of them, internally, by reference.
But to give the illusion of pass-by-value, such blocks are first copied to a temporary location (or they will be when I get round to it).
Functions can also return blocks, internally this is via extra argument with a reference to a location in the caller. This is taken care of the other side of PCL.
PCL allows these, but needs some special ops to be used, such as kjumpretm
. Deconstructing the results is also up to the host.
There is no syntax defined for PCL, as it is expected to be generated programmatically via the supplied API. There is a textual dump format used for checking what has been generated, but it doesn't contain the full into needed to be able to read that back in. Neither is there a binary file format - usually generated PCL code is processed immediately.
Somebody could however create such a language as another front-end language.
This is a small benchmark function in my HLL:
func bitsinbyte(int b)int=
int c,m
while m<256 do
if b iand m then ++c fi
return c
And this is the PCL the compiler generates, after it has been dumped by the PCL library (! lines are comments):
proc bitsinbyte(i64 b)i64:
i64 c
i64 m
load 0 i64
store c i64
load 1 i64
store m i64
jump L3 ---
load b i64
load m i64
bitand i64
jumpf L6 i64
load &c u64
incrto i64 (1)
load 1 i64
load &m u64
shlto i64
load m i64
load 256 i64
jumplt L2 i64
load c i64
jumpret L1 i64
retfn i64
It's not pretty or elegant, but it is at least clean. However only base identifiers are shown, otherwise, c
would be written as bitops.bitinbyte.c
since there is no lexical scope when an entire program is dumped.
PCL only understands the primitive types shown below.
void Type not used or not set
u8 Unsigned integers
i8 Signed integers
r32 Floating point
block Fixed-size data block of N bytes (represents all aggregate types)
vector (Placeholder for machine vector types)
ref (Machine address (alias for u64 etc)
Most PCL instructions have one type attribute. Some have two - mainly to do with type conversions. And some have none.
Where there is an address involved in an instruction, but it is not the primary type, then it it is assumed to have a 'ref' type. Typically, u64
for 64-bit targets. An example:
load p u64
iload u8
This loads a pointer p
, then uses that to access a byte value. The implicit address type in that is u64
. PCL has no control over that. If that is important, then it is the wrong choice of IL.
Opcode Stack Inline/ Description
I - O Attribs
knop 0 - 0 No-op (has internal code zero)
kload 0 - 1 A t Z' := A <M &M L &L C S>
kiload 1 - 1 t Z' := Z^
kiloadx 2 - 1 t d Z' := (Y + Z*s + d)^
kstore 1 - 0 A t A := Z <M>
kistore 2 - 0 t Z^ := Y
kistorex 3 - 0 t s d Y + Z*s + d)^ := X
kiswap 2 - 0 t swap(Y^, Z^)
kdupl 1 - 2 (Y', Z') := Z
kdouble 1 - 2 (Y', Z') := Z (count Z twice internally)
kswapstk 2 - 2 a b swap(stack[a], stack[b]); index 1/2/3/4 = Z/Y/X/W
kunload 1 - 0 t Pop stack
Auxiliary operands
kopnd 0 - 0 A2/A3 t Define auxiliary operand
ktype 0 - 0 t Define auxiliary type
Bits and Bitfields
kloadbit 2 - 1 t Z' := Y.[Z]
kloadbf 3 - 1 t Z' := X.[Y..Z]
kstorebit 3 - 0 t Y^.[Z] := X
kstorebf 4 - 0 t X^.[Y..Z] := W
Call and Return
kcallp n - 0 &M n v Call &M with n args, then pop n args; v = varargs
kicallp n+1 - 0 n v Call Z with nargs, then pop args (a=n+1)
kretproc 0 - 0 Return from proc
kcallf n - 1 &M t n v Call &M, then pop args, leave retval; v = varrgs <&M>
kicallf n+1 - 1 t n v Call Z, then pops args, leave retval
kretfn 0 - 0 t Return from func with Z=retval
Unconditional branching
kjump 0 - 0 L goto L
kijump 1 - 0 goto Z
Conditional branching
kjumpcc 2 - n L t c p goto L when Y c Z; p=1: Z':=Y, otherwise pop both
kjumpt 1 - 0 L t goto L when Z is true
kjumpf 1 - 0 L t goto L when Z is false
Set return values
kjumpret 1 - 0 L t goto L, common return point; deal with any ret value on stack
kjumpretm a - 0 L t n goto L, common return point; deal with multiple return values
ksetcc 2 - 1 t c Z' := Y c Z (will be 1 or 0 for true/false)
kstop 1 - 0 Stop Z
kto 0 - 0 L t --M2 (aux); goto L when M2 <> 0
kforup 0 - 0 L t n M2 := n; goto L when M2 <= A3
kfordown 0 - 0 L t n M2 -:= n; goto L when M2 >= A3
kswitch 1 - 0 L x y L=jumptab; B=elselab; x/y=min/max values
kswitchu 1 - 0 L x y Implemented using computed-goto
kswlabel 0 - 0 L jumptable entry
kendsw 0 - 0 Mark end of switch jumptable
kclear 1 - 0 t Clear memory at Z^ to zeros
kassem 0 - 0 x Inline assembly instruction
Binary operators
kadd 2 - 1 t Z' := Y + Z
ksub 2 - 1 t Z' := Y - Z
kmul 2 - 1 t Z' := Y * Z
kdiv 2 - 1 t Z' := Y / Z
kidiv 2 - 1 t Z' := Y % Z
kirem 2 - 1 t Z' := Y rem Z
kidivrem 2 - 2 t Z' := divrem(Y, Z)
kbitand 2 - 1 t Z' := Y iand Z
kbitor 2 - 1 t Z' := Y ior Z
kbitxor 2 - 1 t Z' := Y ixor Z
kshl 2 - 1 t Z' := Y << Z
kshr 2 - 1 t Z' := Y >> Z
kmin 2 - 1 t Z' := min(Y, Z)
kmax 2 - 1 t Z' := max(Y, Z)
kaddpx 2 - 1 t s d Z' := Y + Z*s + d
ksubpx 2 - 1 t s d Z' := Y - Z*s + s
ksubp 2 - 1 t s Z' := (Y - Z)/s
Unary operators
kneg 1 - 1 t Z' := -Z
kabs 1 - 1 t Z' := abs Z
kbitnot 1 - 1 t Z' := inot Z
knot 1 - 1 t Z' := not Z
ktoboolt 1 - 1 t Z' := istrue Z
ktoboolf 1 - 1 t Z' := not istrue Z
ksqr 1 - 1 t Z' := sqr Z
Maths operators (unary)
ksqrt 1 - 1 t Z' := sqrt Z
ksin 1 - 1 t Z' := sin Z
kcos 1 - 1 t Z' := cos Z
ktan 1 - 1 t Z' := tan Z
kasin 1 - 1 t Z' := asin Z
kacos 1 - 1 t Z' := acos Z
katan 1 - 1 t Z' := atan Z
klog 1 - 1 t Z' := log Z
klog10 1 - 1 t Z' := log10 Z
kexp 1 - 1 t Z' := round Z
kround 1 - 1 t Z' := round Z
kfloor 1 - 1 t Z' := floor Z
kceil 1 - 1 t Z' := ceil Z
ksign 1 - 1 t Z' := sign Z
Maths operators (binary)
katan2 2 - 1 t Z' := atan2(Y, Z)
kpower 2 - 1 t Z' := Y ** Z
kfmod 2 - 1 t Z' := fmod(Y, Z)
Increment (in-place increment)
kincrto 1 - 0 t n Z^ +:= n
kdecrto 1 - 0 t n Z^ -:= n
kincrload 1 - 1 t n Z' := (Z +:= n)^
kdecrload 1 - 1 t n Z' := (Z -:= n)^
kloadincr 1 - 1 t n Z' := Z++^ (difficult to express step)
kloaddecr 1 - 1 t n Z' := Z--^
In-place binary operators
kaddto 2 - 0 t Z^ +:= Y
ksubto 2 - 0 t Z^ -:= Y
kmulto 2 - 0 t Z^ *:= Y
kdivto 2 - 0 t Z^ /:= Y
kidivto 2 - 0 t Z^ %:= Y
kiremto 2 - 0 t Z^ rem:= Y
kbitandto 2 - 0 t Z^ iand:= Y
kbitorto 2 - 0 t Z^ ior:= Y
kbitxorto 2 - 0 t Z^ ixor:= Y
kshlto 2 - 0 t Z^ <<:= Y
kshrto 2 - 0 t Z^ >>:= Y
kminto 2 - 0 t Z^ min:= Y
kmaxto 2 - 0 t Z^ max:= Y
kaddpxto 2 - 0 t s d Z^ +:= Y
ksubpxto 2 - 0 t s d Z^ -:= Y
Inplace unary operatirs
knegto 1 - 0 t -:= Z^
kabsto 1 - 0 t abs:= Z^
kbitnotto 1 - 0 t inot-:= Z^
knotto 1 - 0 t not:= Z^
ktoboolto 1 - 0 t istrue:= Z^
Type conversions
ktypepun 1 - 1 t u Z' := t(u@(Z^))
kfloat 1 - 1 t u Z' := cast(Z,t) Int to real t
kfix 1 - 1 t u Z' := cast(Z,t) Real to int t
ktruncate 1 - 1 t u Z' := cast(Z,u) Mask to width of u, but type is widened to t
kwiden 1 - 1 t u Z' := cast(Z,t) Mask to width of u, but type is widened to t
kfwiden 1 - 1 t u Z' := cast(Z,t) r32 to r64
kfnarrow 1 - 1 t u Z' := cast(Z,t) r64 to r32
Handle multple paths that yield one result
kstartmx 0 - 0 x -
kresetmx 0 - 0 x -
kendmx 0 - 0 x -
Define functions
kdefproc 0 - 0 M ?
ktcproc 0 - 0 M ?
kendproc 0 - 0 ?
Define static variables
kistatic 0 - 0 M t Define idata label (must be followed by correct db etc ops)
kzstatic 0 - 0 M t Define zdata label and reserve sufficient space
Data initialisation
kdata 0 - 0 A t Constant data. For block types, there can be multiple C values
klabel 0 - 0 ?
klabeldef 0 - 0 ?
ksetjmp 1 - 0 For C
klongjmp 1 - 1 For C
ksetcall 0 - 0 n ?
ksetarg 0 - 0 n ?
kloadall 0 - 0 ?
keval 1 - 0 Evaluate Z [load to an actual register], then pop
kcomment 0 - 0 S Comment S (a string)
kendprog 0 - 0 End-of-program marker.
is the top of stack; elements below are Y
, X
and W
. It notionally grows left to right. t u
are types (most have one type; conversion ops usually have two).
There are about 150, which is quite a lot. Probably half could be dispensed with as their functionality can usually be achieved by sequences of the remaining instructions.
Ultimately, halving the opcode count would not dramatically simplify the PCL implementation, but it would the host compiler's job harder.
setcall, setarg
Used to mark function calls. These make it easier to generate code for 64-bit ABIs which require stack alignment. On displays of PCL code, these are usually suppressed to reduce their clutter.
They could have been eliminated, but it would have made PCL implementation harder as strict tracking of stack usage would be needed plus backtracking to find where in the PCL code it starts to evaluate each argument.
This method is a little impure but is also much simpler, with only a few extra lines needed in the host.
startmx, resetmx, endmx
These are needed when there are multiple paths that can be taken to produce a single-value result. (A simple example is the a ? b : c
operator in C; my language has more examples.)
They are needed to reset the operand stack, since the compiler does a linear pass and needs to scan all branches. And also to ensure the various results end up in the same register at the end.
(I think this is connected with 'phi' functions in SSA code.)
Note For a pure stack implementation (PCL is interpreted, or translated to stack-based native code), the *mx
hints are not needed: the value will end up on top of the stack whatever happens!
See files like pcl.q or pcl.h.
- pcl_ functions are the higher level ones to control the whole process, such as
. - pc_ functions create individual PCL instructions or symbol table entries (with a couple of exceptions)
- gen functionn create operands
The pcl
type is a reference to one PCL instruction. There is no special data type to represent an operand, so gen*
functions return a pcl
reference but with a missing opcode. It usually works like this:
pc_gen(kload, genint(123))
returns an empty pcl instruction; if such an instruction is the second operand to pc_gen
, it will use that and fill in the given opcode.
Otherwise, as in pc_gen(kstop)
, it will create a new pcl instruction.
For an overview of the process, see qdemo.q
(also cdemo.c
, but C's lack of optional arguments makes that example less clean).
pcl_start([name],[N]) Start a new PCL program
pcl_end End the program (inserts kendprog)
pcl_writepcl(F) Dump PCL as text to a file, or omit F to return a string
pcl_writepst(F) (To be revised) Dump PCL symbol table to file /handle/ F,
or omit F to write to console
pcl_runpcl Interpret the PCL program. The return value is the program
pcl_genmcl Convert to 'MCL', an internal native code reprentation
pcl_genss Convert MCL to 'SS', which is actual binary code
pcl_writeasm(F) Dump MCL as either AA-format ASM or NASM-format (only
one will have been configured)
pcl_writeobj(F) Write SS code as an OS-format object code file
pcl_writedll(F) Write SS code as an OS-format shared library file
pcl_writeexe(F) Write SS code as an OS-format binary executable
pcl_writemx(F) Convert SS to 'MCU' and write in my private MX binary format
pcl_exec Convert SS to 'MCU', fix that up as 'MCX', and execute it
pcl_setflags( Optional args, uses named args to set relevant flags
highmem=-1, Set to 1 for RIP address mode in low-mem, or 2 to enable
high-loading code. (Set automatically for DLL/OBJ targets)
verbose=-1, Set to 1 for some extra info
shortnmes=-1, Set to 1 for short names on PCL/MCL dumps
hostcmdskip=-1 Set to N to set number of command params to skip,
when using -runp/-run on the command line. Rest are passed
to target program
- While there can be multiple steps to get to EXE, for example PCL -> MCL -> SS -> EXE, only one function needs to be called. It will ensure any previous steps have been done.
- This was developed on Windows hence names like 'exe dll obj' in the function names. But if this ever works on Linux for example, then they will perform the equivalent task. The filename used will be whatever has been passed.
This has some compromises, especially executing code compiled from C:
- Most arithmetic, compare and logic operations are done at 64 bits, even if the instruction says different. This is to limit the number of possibilities, but it means some C code that would overflow 32 bits, may behave differently
- (Using my C compiler) For C code implementing var-arg functions , separate preprocessing can't be used (as a different version of stdarg.h is needed for interpreted)
- (Other C compilers) Var-arg implementation code that relies on a downward growing stack will not work
- Callback functions (external libraries being passed references to funtions in interpreted code) will not work for any language.
- Nothing has been done with 'vector' types, mainly because they don't feature in my source languages.
- No overflow detection in generated code
- No way to capture the overflow or carry flag for arithmetic ops (for example
could return two values: the normal result, and any carry).
There are no special features for things like closures, generators, continuations (I don't know what half of them are). If they were to come up, and they couldn't be expressed in existing PCL code, then I would add something.
There are however setjmp longjump
ops for C, as well as assem
for my inline assembly, and special tcproc
functions for threaded-code (ie. naked functions).