Hello! This projects aims to make a Telegram bot that forwards Twitter updates to people, groups, channels, or whatever Telegram comes up with!
You can check it on Telegram: @TwitterForwarderBot
This is based on former work:
- python-telegram-bot
- tweepy
- peewee
- envparse
- also, python, pip, the internets, and so on
So, big thanks to anyone who contributed on these projects! :D
The code is currently targeting Python 3.5
# clone this thing
# create your virtualenv, activate it, etc
# virtualenv -p python3 venv
# . venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# fill secrets.env (see next readme section)
source secrets.env
python main.py
First, you'll need a Telegram Bot Token, you can get it via BotFather (more info here).
Also, setting this up will need an Application-only authentication token from Twitter (more info here). Optionally, you can provide a user access token and secret.
You can get this by creating a Twitter App here.
Bear in mind that if you don't have added a mobile phone to your Twitter account you'll get this:
You must add your mobile phone to your Twitter profile before creating an application. Please read https://support.twitter.com/articles/110250-adding-your-mobile-number-to-your-account-via-web for more information.
Get a consumer key, consumer secret, access token and access token secret (the latter two are optional), fill in your secrets.env
, source it, and then run the bot!
set the vars in docker run command using -e
(you can set the optional vars too), then ENJOY!!
docker run -d --name=twitter_bot --restart=always \
-e TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=<insert your telegram token> \
-e TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY=<insert your twitter consumer key here> \
-e TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET=<insert your twitter consumer secret here> \
-v twitter-data:/bot/ \
set the vars in docker-compose.yml
file and simply run this, again ENJOY!!
docker-compose up -d