ConfigParser - is a slim, cross-platform, fully managed C# library for reading and writing .ini, .conf, .cfg etc configuration files.
You could use it in your Unity 3D, Xamarin (iOS & Android), .NET Framework applications (even with old 4.0/4.5), .NET Core CLI and ASP.NET Core applications, Mono etc
- customizable encoding (most encodings can be auto-detected)
- customizable culture
- customizable number styles (e.g. currencies, exponential notation etc)
- customizable line endings (usually auto-detected)
- customizable true and false (e.g. "verum" / "falsum" )
- customizable comment characters
- customizable key/value separator (defaults to '=')
- file header comments
- config files with no sections (like in this [SectionName]) or even mixed: first section has no header, just keys
- comments in general
- section comments
- empty lines
- indented sections
- indented keys
- indented values
- default values
- multi-line values (both quoted and not)
- quoted values
- null values (value-less keys)
- array values
- fancy float / double
- byte-encoded values
- smart boolean values (0/1, on/off, enabled/disabled work of the box)
and more...
You can support us in a small way, please consider starring and sharing this repo! It helps us getting known and grow the community.
Config Parser can be installed via NuGet
by using Package Manager in your IDE, dotnet
binary or Package Console
# Add the Salaros.ConfigParser package to a project named [<PROJECT>]
dotnet add [<PROJECT>] package Salaros.ConfigParser
or Visual Studio's Package Console
# Add the Salaros.ConfigParser package to the default project
Install-Package Salaros.ConfigParser
# Add the Salaros.ConfigParser package to a project named [<PROJECT>]
Install-Package Salaros.ConfigParser -ProjectName [<PROJECT>]
// Initialize config file instance from file
var configFileFromPath = new ConfigParser(@"path\to\configfile.cnf");
// Parse text
var configFileFromString = new ConfigParser(@"
canBeIndented = value
andQuoted = ""quotes will be stripped""
withD = 0.6D
dollars = $2,999
numericTrue = 1
textFalse = true
yesWorks = yes
upperCaseWorks = on
worksAsWell = Enabled
arrayWorkToo =
new ConfigParserSettings
MultiLineValues = MultiLineValues.Simple | MultiLineValues.AllowValuelessKeys | MultiLineValues.QuoteDelimitedValues,
Culture = new CultureInfo("en-US")
configFileFromString.GetValue("Strings", "canBeIndented"); // value
configFileFromString["Strings"]["canBeIndented"]; // returns 'value' too
configFileFromString.GetValue("Strings", "andQuoted"); // quotes will be stripped
configFileFromString.GetValue("Numbers", "withD", 0D); // 0,6
configFileFromString.GetValue("Numbers", "dollars", 0D, // 2999
configFileFromString.GetValue("Numbers", "dollars"); // $2,999
configFileFromString.GetValue("boolean", "numericTrue", false); // True
configFileFromString.GetValue("boolean", "textFalse", false); // True
configFileFromString.GetValue("boolean", "yesWorks", false); // True
configFileFromString.GetValue("boolean", "upperCaseWorks", false); // True
configFileFromString.GetValue("boolean", "worksAsWell", false); // True
configFileFromString.GetArrayValue("Advanced", "arraysWorkToo"); // ["arrayElement1","arrayElement2"]
configFileFromString.GetValue("Advanced", "valueLessKey"); //
You need Git and .NET Core SDK
git clone
cd ConfigParser
dotnet build
ConfigParser uses, so you can run unit tests by simply using the following command:
dotnet test tests
ConfigParser is distributed under the MIT license, which grants you
- Private use
- Commercial use
- Modification
- Distribution
However you have to include the content of license file in your source code (if you distribute your Software in text form), otherwise include it in your own LICENSE file or to some sort of About -> Open-source libraries section if you distribute your Software as a compiled library / binary. Here is why (part of MIT license):
The above copyright notice and this permission notice
shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.