A Simple Library Management Project is an open-source website built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. It’s easy to use and helps learners understand the basic concepts of JavaScript. In this project, the user has a provision to add book details like:
- Book Name
- Author Name
- Book URL
- Edition
- Publication Date
- Status of Reading (e.g., read, currently reading, to be read)
- Book Genre
Additionally, users have the option to search for available books in the library by book name, author name, or type. If the book details are present in LocalStorage, the search results will be displayed on the web page.
Users also have the provision to:
- Delete a specific book or all books
- Choose their favorites
- Edit any book details quickly
In this project, you will learn how to implement add, remove/delete, search, and save functionalities. You will also learn how to deploy or publish your website to Azure, allowing you to show it off to friends and expand your portfolio.
Happy learning, and enjoy building your library management project!
You can try the website at Online Library
Input the book Name, Author, URL, Edition, ISBN, Publication Date, Status, and Book Type to add the book. If the book name is missing, it will show you an error. As I used LocalStorage, if you refresh or close the tab, your books will not disappear. You can clear the bookshelf just by clicking on clear shelf. You can also search books by book name, author, and type.
- Clone the repository
- Go to the directory
- Run index.html file
- Enter book name, author and type of book
- Press add book
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