In this project, A Multithreaded Client-Server Architecture based application is implemented which works like a chat room. Since Java has a most dominant impact on Network Programming timeline and this application problem inherently come up with network involvement plus concurrency and synchronization in parallel operations of clients. Java is also good in multithreading solutions. So, Java platform will be used in the development of this project and all the sources will be tested and build using JDK later JVM. The server will run continuously receiving requests from connecting clients and grant access to the users using Java Socket Programming Primitives.
Client Side Outputs :
From the below figure we can observe the client area terminal where the middle portion is used to display the messages between the client and server. The box at the bottom is used to represent the input text area where the user can enter the test. we can observe that the client has entered the data and this data is displayed in the text area. We can also see the server’s response to the client’s message in the client area.
Server Side Outputs:
From the given figure we can observe the server side of the output where the client has sent a message to the server and the reply given by the server to the client.