My Twitter @KuokkanenSampo, where you can see this code in action.
Inspired by the project Twitter automatic name changer based on your followers, and indeed I have borroweded many parts from the source of the orignal project. So thanks for Raghav Khanna for the original project!
This bot will automatically change your name based the current weather in your location followers (Written in Python) once in 15 minutes. It fetches the current weather using the OpenWeather API. It will show the weather in Celcius and a weather icon after your username. Also easy to change to Fahrenheit.
Create a virtual env
python3 -m venv env
Then activate it:
source env/bin/activate
Install tweepy:
pip install -r requirements.txt
go to the twitter developers page. In the Create an app enter the informations like app name, app description and so on. it asked me to clearly explain the reason of how I'm going to use the app After reviewing the terms, app will be created. Add permission to do post requests to the app. Note down the Consumer API key, Consumer API Secret key and access token, access token secret, and also remember to get an OpenWeather API key!
in config.py enter your Consumer API key, Consumer API Secret key and Access token & access token secret keys. after that save it.
In mainbot.py Edit your username and you are all done!
for this you need to create a Procfile with worker as mainbot.py and that's it! There is a sample one in this repository which you can use.