Authors: Samrudhdhi Rangrej, Chetan Srinidhi, James Clark Accepted to: CVPR'22 Paper
An overview of our Sequential Transformers Attention Model (STAM). The STAM consists of a core T, classifiers G and D, an actor A, and a critic C (only used during training). Each training iteration consists of three steps: Step 1 (green path): Given a complete image X, the teacher model predicts a soft pseudo-label q(y|X). Step 2 (blue path): Given glimpses g0:t, STAM predicts class distributions pg(yt|fgt) and pd(yt|fdt), value V(st), and attention policy π(lt+1|st). Step 3 (orange path): An additional glimpse is sensed. Step 2 is repeated using all glimpses (including the additional glimpse) and the losses are computed. The model parameters are updated using the gradients from Step 2.
- torch==1.8.1
- torchvision==0.9.1
- tensorboard==2.5.0
- timm==0.4.9
- fire==0.4.0
- ImageNet
- fMoW (Download and prepare the dataset following the instructions provided in PatchDrop repository)
- Adapt
- Teacher models:
- Student models (STAM):
- ImageNet: run
- fMoW: run
- ImageNet: run
- ImageNet: run
- fMoW: run
Visualization of glimpses selected by STAM on example images from t=0 to 15. (top) ImageNet; (bottom) fMoW. Complete images are shown for reference only. STAM does not observe a complete image.
Our code is based on deit.