Google Analytics Bundle for Symfony
This bundle adds the Google Analytics code to every page except those that match the "exclude_path" parameter.
composer require samuelmc/google-analytics-bundle (view on packagist)
add the bundle in AppKernel:
new Samuelmc\GaBundle\SamuelGaBundle()
import the services in config.yml:
- { resource: security.yml }
- { resource: services.yml }
- { resource: "@SamuelmcGaBundle/Resources/config/services.yml" }
there are two parameters to configure under samuel_ga:
- tracking_id: your Google Analytics tracker code.
- exclude_paths: a regex string which filters out paths that should not be tracked by Google Analytics. Default: '(^/(_profiler|_wdt).+)'
tracking_id: "UA-..."
exclude_paths: '(^\/(_profiler|_wdt).+)'
© Samuel Moncarey