Configuration is suited to Frontend Development using ReactJS, Typescript, Prettier, eslint and Nodejs. I have used with MacOS only, it will likely break with other OS.
Disclaimer: This configuration is extremely customized to suit my workflow. So, when you clone it and decide to try it please note it will require tons of debugging, painful troubleshooting to get Coc, typescript, javascript, prettier, eslint, nodejs, yarn up and running, unless you know what you doing. In that case, please reach out to me via issues and I will try to help you as much as I can but it can take time.
- Coc is used for autocomplete, intellisense
- ALE provides linting using Typescript LSP server
- Syntax highlight support for:
- Typescript, Javascript, jsx, tsx, styled components, Graphql
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Apr 13 2020 07:46:23) macOS version
You might have to upgrade your VIM for some plugins to work properly. Instruction for ubuntu is shown below:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pkg-vim/vim-daily
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
- vim-plug is used to manage the plugins. Please, follow its documentation for installation guidance.
- Clone this repository.
$ git clone
Rename dot-vim
folder to .vim folder. If you already have .vim
folder then you might need to adjust accordingly.
### Rename old vim
$ mv ~/.vim ~/.vim-old
### Move new vim
$ mv .vim ~/.vim
- Create symlink to the
file - replace
with your username in below command.
### Create symlink to .vimrc -> .vim/vimrc file
$ ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
While opening VI you will get some error for the first time. You can ignore it. Once plugins are installed, those errors will go away.
Open VIM then use :PlugInstall
to install Plugins
- Those all are the steps required, now run
from the terminal and verify that everything is working as expected.
key to \
So where it says <Leader>
remember to press \
:help Leader To get information on how key works
jj : Escape from insert mode
,, : Remove Search highlight
<Leader>w : Save buffer to file
<Leader>\ : Go next buffer
<Leader>t : Go next tab
If something is not working as expected then please create issue on this repository.