Config file should be in JSON format (Support for other formats will be added in future).
//notification clients to send notifications
//database client details to save data
//an array of request objects
"meanResponseCount":10 //A notification will be triggered if mean response time of last 10 requests is less than given response time. Default value is 5
"port":3215 //By default the server runs on port 7321.You can define your custom port number as below
"concurrency":2 //Max Number of requests that can be performed concurrently.Default value is 1.
Click here to view the Sample config file. Scroll down for more details on requests,notifications and database setup.
You can monitor all types of REST APIs or websites as below.
"Authorization":"Bearer ac2168444f4de69c27d6384ea2ccf61a49669be5a2fb037ccc1f",
"description":"sanath test",
"Authorization":"Bearer ac2168444f4de69c27d6384ea2ccf61a49669be5a2fb037ccc1f",
Description for each request parameter.
Parameter | Description |
url | Http Url |
requestType | Http Request Type in all capital letters e.g. GET,PUT,POST,DELETE |
headers | A list of key value pairs which will be added to header of a request |
formParams | A list of key value pairs which will be added to body of the request.By deafult content type is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".For application/json content type add "Content-Type":"application/json" to headers |
urlParams | A list of key value pairs which will be appended to url e.g: |
checkEvery | Time interval in seconds.If the value is 120,the request will be performed every 2 minutes |
responseCode | Expected response code when a request is performed.Default values is 200.If response code is not equal then an error notification is triggered. |
responseTime | Expected response time in milliseconds,when mean response time is below this value a notification is triggered |
Notifications will be triggered when mean response time is below given response time for a request or when an error is occured.Currently the below clients are supported to receive notifications.
2)Smtp Server
4)Http EndPoint
To recieve notifications to your Slack Channel,add below block to your config file with your slack details
"username":"your user name",
"channelWebhookURL":"slack webhook Url"
To recieve notifications to your email using smtp server,add below block to your config file with your smtp server details.
"smtpHost":"smtp host name",
"username":"your mail username",
"password":"your mail passwrd",
"from":"from email id",
"to":"to email id"
To recieve notifications to your email Using Mailgun add below block to your config file with your mailgun details.
"email":"your email id",
"apiKey":"your api key",
"domain":"domain name",
"publicApiKey":"your publick api key"
To recieve notifications to any http Endpoint add below block to your config file with request details. Notification will be sent as a value to parameter "message".
"Authorization":"Bearer ac2168444f4de69c27d6384ea2ccf61a49669be5a2fb037ccc1f",
To recieve notifications to any Dingding add below block to your config file with request details.
"url": "",
If you want to recieve Notifications to any other clients. Write a struct with below methods and add the Struct to NotificationTypes in notify.go file.
GetClientName() string
Initialize() error
SendResponseTimeNotification(notification ResponseTimeNotification) error
SendErrorNotification(notification ErrorNotification) error
If you have written a new notification client which is useful to others, feel free to create a pull request.
Save Requests response time information and error information to your database by adding database details to config file. Currently only Influxdb 0.9.3+ is supported.Add support to your database
Install Influx db using the below commands.
dpkg -i influxdb_0.9.3_amd64.deb
/etc/init.d/influxdb start
More Details :
Default username,password is empty and port number is 8086.Add influxDb details as below inside database parameter to your config file.
To visualize data in influxdb you need to install grafana.
Run below commands to install grafana.
apt-get update
apt-get install -y adduser libfontconfig
dpkg -i grafana_2.1.3_amd64.deb
service grafana-server start
Graphana will be running on port 3000 (http://localhost:3000)
Create a new Dahsboard to view graphs as mentioned here .
Write a struct with below methods and add the Struct to DatabaseTypes in database.go file.
Initialize() error
GetDatabaseName() string
AddRequestInfo(requestInfo RequestInfo) error
AddErrorInfo(errorInfo ErrorInfo) error
If you have written structs to support any new database, feel free to create a pull request.
By defualt logs are written to stdout in json format.If you want logs to be written to a file,give file path as mentioned below
$ statusok --config config.json --log logfilepath.log