See all your starred Github repositories at one single place.Sort and filter by stars, forks, language etc. Screenshots Here! I built this sheerly to solve my problem of not being go back and find repositories all in one place.
- Front-End: React, Redux, TypeScript, Post CSS, Bootswatch
- Backend: Node, Express.js, TODO: Redis Cache
- Tools: Prettier Pre-commit, Webpack, webpack-dev-server express middelware with React Hot Module to livereload changed code.
- Setup
- Fetch & display user starred repositories.
- Search through repositories name, description and details.
- Sort repositories by
- Date updated
- Stars, Forks, Watch Count
- Filter repositories by
- Date updated
- Stars, Forks, Watch Count
- Programming languages
- Backend
- Add custom endpoints wrappers for Github API endpoints.
- Request Github endpoints with OAuth token
- Implement redis to cache Github requests for certain period.
- Deployment
- Add webpack production build config.
- Configure webpack devserver for dev env only.
- Deploy on EC2 with Nginx & supervisorctl.
git clone
install dependencies
run server
yarn dev
MIT © Sandip Baradiya