An intermediate language for binary derived from BAP (Binary Analysis Platform)
BAP is an amazing platform for binary analysis. BIL is the intermediate language used in BAP. This library is to provide a standalone version of BIL, thus it only includes the essential part of the language in BAP.
This project is forked off from BAP 0.8.
- GNU Make
- Findlib
- Zarith (above 1.2)
- Batteries (above 2.1)
- BinUtils
- OCamlGraph
- Debian/Ubuntu
apt-get install ocaml camlidl ocaml-findlib binutils-dev \
libzarith-ocaml-dev libbatteries-ocaml-dev libocamlgraph-ocaml-dev
In old Linux distribution, where the required libraries in its own package management system have lower versions than required, we recommend you to use opam.
opam install ocamlfind camlidl zarith batteries ocamlgraph
When you use Opam, it is still necessary to install BinUtils. You can use the following commands:
- Debian/Ubuntu
apt-get install binutils-dev
- Fedora/CentOS
yum install binutils-devel