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feat(parservX): use semicolon as delimiter in function definition
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tzhelyazkova committed May 15, 2024
1 parent ce96004 commit 942f09a
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Showing 4 changed files with 10 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion parser/internal/parservX/mother-query-X.groq
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Expand Up @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@

// The following query exercises all parser-related features for GROQ 2 plus experimental features.

def foo::bar($baz) = $baz{a, b} def foo::lala($baz) = $baz->{a,b} def foo::nana($baz) = $baz[]{a,b} def foo::doodoo($baz) = $baz[]->{a,b} coalesce({count($myParam) > "d" => {c["e"] => {..., null == c => {count([(!b-> || !c.c), ^.^.c->][(true > c && false <= c)][!(b->)][1000000000000000]) <= "g" => {..., b->a => {b.a => {"e": b, ...}, c-> => {"g": count(* | order(a)), "b": @}}}, !a => {..., "f": {!b->.a => {select(@.b => * | {..., "f": *[(!a[] || "f" == b)][(pt::text(c) => 2 && select([!(-1 != c)] => ([[[], 1 % -3e12, 2][!b[].b][-100..-100], (null != a || a.c != 100)][(a->c)] | order(b))) < 2)]}) != 100 => {"a": $myParam, b[] < 3e-12 => {coalesce([*{c["d"] < true => {false > c => {a => {..., "f": *[null <= a]}}, ..., b->b < "d" => {"d": -100 + 3e12 | order(b), "c": [b | order(a) | order(b)]}}, ...}, ...[(* | {"f": *[!(!b)][!a->a][c->c == 100], ..., "a": c}), @.b]][(-3e-12 > c && count([*{"b": ({pt::text(c) != 3e12 => {"a": [b, [][(!c->c || null < a)][(b[].b > true || b[].b)][1..1], -3e12 + -1][100], true == a => {!a => {..., "b": (b | order(a) | order(b))}, b[].c => {..., count(*[b->][a[].c <= false][!(select(@.a => $myParam) != -100)] | {c["g"] => {..., "d": [*[2]][(b-> || pt::text(a) < -1.1)][!(!a[].a)] | {..., "g": "d" + "c"}}, ...}) < 3e-12 => {"f": "f" + "f"}}}}, ...}), !c-> => {"f": [(1.1 == b && !c), 1.1 + -1, ^.^.a[].b][1000000000000000..100], ..., !a.c => {"a": *[!b[].a][(select([[*{"f": [(count(*[b[] < -1.1][(b-> => false && pt::text(c) > true)][(a[].c <= null || select("a" == c => b) < null)]) < "g" && coalesce(-3e-12 * 1.1, ^.^.^.c->b) == true), [][!(c <= "d")][!a->c][(-100 => b)][(coalesce((*[a][a]{a => {"a": a}, ..., a => {"a": a}}), (a->a && b.c)) < "g" && c->.b)][b <= 3e-12][(b->a && !c["b"])][-1], * | {-1.1 <= c => {"c": * | {..., pt::text(a) != 3e-12 => {null == a => {"a": a}}} | order(c), ...}, ..., "f": $myParam}][false < b][(!a.a || a->.a)][(!a.a)][1..1], ..., count(-100 / 1.1) > -3e12 => {"d": b, ..., c[].a == 3e-12 => {"g": coalesce(coalesce(b->, count(^.a->)), null), "f": 1.1 * 3e12}}}, 1000000000000000 - 3e-12][(select("a" + "a" => ^.^.^.b->) != 2 || !a->b)][(c->c || b < 3.141592653589793)] | {..., "c": ^.^.a->c}, ...[a, 3.141592653589793 / -1 | order(a), @.b]][(count(*[1...1]) <= -3e-12 || -1 > c)][!(b.c == 3e12)][(true > c || coalesce(*[1000000000000000], ^.^.^.c[]) != null)] => *{"f": (1 % -1.1)}) < 1000000000000000 && count("b" + "d") <= 2)], ..., "b": [*[c->.b], [[[*[1000000000000000]][(!c-> || !c.b)][(b > -3e12 && !c->)], ...[]]][!("a" <= a)][-100..100]][(!b->b && a->.b => null)]}}}, (coalesce($myParam, $myParam))][(!a["b"] && count(pt::text(b)) != -1)][null < c][(!b->b && null < a)][(b => 3.141592653589793 || c[])][(true <= b || "g" == b)][(count("a" + "c") > null)][-100] | order(b)) > 1)] | {"e": $myParam}, coalesce([[1000000000000000 % 1.1, ...[$myParam]], 1, (count(pt::text(a)))][100], @)) => 3e12 => {b[] > 3e12 => {..., "g": 3.141592653589793 + 3.141592653589793}, b-> => {..., count(*{a->.a <= -1 => {"d": (c["e"] == 3e12), ..., false == b => {"e": count(^.b->.c), ..., b[].c => {"f": -100 - -3e-12, a-> => {"f": "f" + "d", c[].c => {b["a"] <= null => {..., a.b => {c->b => {"e": select(^.^.^.c-> => (-1 / -3e12)), ..., pt::text(a) <= 3e-12 => {false == a => {!c[].b => {a["a"] < false => {b["b"] => {"b": [$myParam | order(c), ("a" + "e" | order(a))][-100...1]}, ...}, ...}, ..., c[].b => {"f": (*[1000000000000000]), ..., "b": *}}}}, ...}}}}}}}}) != true => {"f": select(*[100] => c | order(b)), ..., !c.a => {null => c => {!b.b => {"e": a, "d": *[(select("d" + "e" => (c)) <= false || coalesce(*[(b->a)], *) < false)][(3.141592653589793 < c)][100]}}, b-> => {null > b => {b.a < 100 => {b.a => {"a": ^.c, !c->a => {-1.1 != b => {..., a->b => {1 != a => {b["e"] != 1.1 => {c[].b <= 3.141592653589793 => {..., pt::text(b) < true => {"a": {c[] => {"g": *, ..., "d": [count(b[]), ...[@, -1.1 - -1, pt::text(c)]][1]}}, count(@) > 1000000000000000 => {select(select(^.c->b => @.a) => @) <= null => {..., "d": [{!a->c => {select(!(c[]) => ^.a) > 1 => {"c": *[(count(*[!c[]][(!a[] || !a.b)]) == null)]{..., !c[] => {pt::text(c) == null => {..., "e": @.c}, ...}}}, ...}}, ...[*[!("a" != a)][(3.141592653589793 != c || count([[2 + 3.141592653589793], (*[(a->b || b["b"] => "b")][!(select(a => (count(a) => true && count(!(!b->a)) != null)) <= false)]) | order(b), "f" + "e"]{"b": $myParam, ..., "e": {..., "d": [a, ...[$myParam]][-100]} | order(c)}) <= "c")], ...[(a), select($myParam => *{..., "b": []}), (a-> == true && c[].c)]]][coalesce($myParam, 1) != "c"]}}}}, "g": *[1...-1] | order(a)}}, ..., !c["g"] => {!b-> => {..., "g": a}, ..., "g": *[-100]}}}}}, ...}, ...}}}}}}, ...}}, "a": *[2]}, ..., -3e12 > a => {"f": *[(b == true)][1000000000000000], ...}}}}}, "a": ["g" + "d"]}, "d": ([* | {c->.c < false => {"c": @, ..., c["f"] => {!c => {"c": [-100 <= c][-100...1], ..., !c->a => {"d": [$myParam, [@.c, [-1 % 1][(b->a || true < c)] | order(c), c][null == a] | {"d": [][1]}]}}, ...}}, ...}, [([a, "c" + "g"][!(a[])][(c[].c || b[] < "d")])][(select(!(b->.b == -100) => [*[-1], ...[]]) => 1 && "b" < c)]])}, null <= b)
def foo::bar($baz) = $baz{a, b}; def foo::lala($baz) = $baz->{a, b}; def foo::nana($baz) = $baz[]{a,b}; def foo::doodoo($baz) = $baz[]->{a,b}; coalesce({count($myParam) > "d" => {c["e"] => {..., null == c => {count([(!b-> || !c.c), ^.^.c->][(true > c && false <= c)][!(b->)][1000000000000000]) <= "g" => {..., b->a => {b.a => {"e": b, ...}, c-> => {"g": count(* | order(a)), "b": @}}}, !a => {..., "f": {!b->.a => {select(@.b => * | {..., "f": *[(!a[] || "f" == b)][(pt::text(c) => 2 && select([!(-1 != c)] => ([[[], 1 % -3e12, 2][!b[].b][-100..-100], (null != a || a.c != 100)][(a->c)] | order(b))) < 2)]}) != 100 => {"a": $myParam, b[] < 3e-12 => {coalesce([*{c["d"] < true => {false > c => {a => {..., "f": *[null <= a]}}, ..., b->b < "d" => {"d": -100 + 3e12 | order(b), "c": [b | order(a) | order(b)]}}, ...}, ...[(* | {"f": *[!(!b)][!a->a][c->c == 100], ..., "a": c}), @.b]][(-3e-12 > c && count([*{"b": ({pt::text(c) != 3e12 => {"a": [b, [][(!c->c || null < a)][(b[].b > true || b[].b)][1..1], -3e12 + -1][100], true == a => {!a => {..., "b": (b | order(a) | order(b))}, b[].c => {..., count(*[b->][a[].c <= false][!(select(@.a => $myParam) != -100)] | {c["g"] => {..., "d": [*[2]][(b-> || pt::text(a) < -1.1)][!(!a[].a)] | {..., "g": "d" + "c"}}, ...}) < 3e-12 => {"f": "f" + "f"}}}}, ...}), !c-> => {"f": [(1.1 == b && !c), 1.1 + -1, ^.^.a[].b][1000000000000000..100], ..., !a.c => {"a": *[!b[].a][(select([[*{"f": [(count(*[b[] < -1.1][(b-> => false && pt::text(c) > true)][(a[].c <= null || select("a" == c => b) < null)]) < "g" && coalesce(-3e-12 * 1.1, ^.^.^.c->b) == true), [][!(c <= "d")][!a->c][(-100 => b)][(coalesce((*[a][a]{a => {"a": a}, ..., a => {"a": a}}), (a->a && b.c)) < "g" && c->.b)][b <= 3e-12][(b->a && !c["b"])][-1], * | {-1.1 <= c => {"c": * | {..., pt::text(a) != 3e-12 => {null == a => {"a": a}}} | order(c), ...}, ..., "f": $myParam}][false < b][(!a.a || a->.a)][(!a.a)][1..1], ..., count(-100 / 1.1) > -3e12 => {"d": b, ..., c[].a == 3e-12 => {"g": coalesce(coalesce(b->, count(^.a->)), null), "f": 1.1 * 3e12}}}, 1000000000000000 - 3e-12][(select("a" + "a" => ^.^.^.b->) != 2 || !a->b)][(c->c || b < 3.141592653589793)] | {..., "c": ^.^.a->c}, ...[a, 3.141592653589793 / -1 | order(a), @.b]][(count(*[1...1]) <= -3e-12 || -1 > c)][!(b.c == 3e12)][(true > c || coalesce(*[1000000000000000], ^.^.^.c[]) != null)] => *{"f": (1 % -1.1)}) < 1000000000000000 && count("b" + "d") <= 2)], ..., "b": [*[c->.b], [[[*[1000000000000000]][(!c-> || !c.b)][(b > -3e12 && !c->)], ...[]]][!("a" <= a)][-100..100]][(!b->b && a->.b => null)]}}}, (coalesce($myParam, $myParam))][(!a["b"] && count(pt::text(b)) != -1)][null < c][(!b->b && null < a)][(b => 3.141592653589793 || c[])][(true <= b || "g" == b)][(count("a" + "c") > null)][-100] | order(b)) > 1)] | {"e": $myParam}, coalesce([[1000000000000000 % 1.1, ...[$myParam]], 1, (count(pt::text(a)))][100], @)) => 3e12 => {b[] > 3e12 => {..., "g": 3.141592653589793 + 3.141592653589793}, b-> => {..., count(*{a->.a <= -1 => {"d": (c["e"] == 3e12), ..., false == b => {"e": count(^.b->.c), ..., b[].c => {"f": -100 - -3e-12, a-> => {"f": "f" + "d", c[].c => {b["a"] <= null => {..., a.b => {c->b => {"e": select(^.^.^.c-> => (-1 / -3e12)), ..., pt::text(a) <= 3e-12 => {false == a => {!c[].b => {a["a"] < false => {b["b"] => {"b": [$myParam | order(c), ("a" + "e" | order(a))][-100...1]}, ...}, ...}, ..., c[].b => {"f": (*[1000000000000000]), ..., "b": *}}}}, ...}}}}}}}}) != true => {"f": select(*[100] => c | order(b)), ..., !c.a => {null => c => {!b.b => {"e": a, "d": *[(select("d" + "e" => (c)) <= false || coalesce(*[(b->a)], *) < false)][(3.141592653589793 < c)][100]}}, b-> => {null > b => {b.a < 100 => {b.a => {"a": ^.c, !c->a => {-1.1 != b => {..., a->b => {1 != a => {b["e"] != 1.1 => {c[].b <= 3.141592653589793 => {..., pt::text(b) < true => {"a": {c[] => {"g": *, ..., "d": [count(b[]), ...[@, -1.1 - -1, pt::text(c)]][1]}}, count(@) > 1000000000000000 => {select(select(^.c->b => @.a) => @) <= null => {..., "d": [{!a->c => {select(!(c[]) => ^.a) > 1 => {"c": *[(count(*[!c[]][(!a[] || !a.b)]) == null)]{..., !c[] => {pt::text(c) == null => {..., "e": @.c}, ...}}}, ...}}, ...[*[!("a" != a)][(3.141592653589793 != c || count([[2 + 3.141592653589793], (*[(a->b || b["b"] => "b")][!(select(a => (count(a) => true && count(!(!b->a)) != null)) <= false)]) | order(b), "f" + "e"]{"b": $myParam, ..., "e": {..., "d": [a, ...[$myParam]][-100]} | order(c)}) <= "c")], ...[(a), select($myParam => *{..., "b": []}), (a-> == true && c[].c)]]][coalesce($myParam, 1) != "c"]}}}}, "g": *[1...-1] | order(a)}}, ..., !c["g"] => {!b-> => {..., "g": a}, ..., "g": *[-100]}}}}}, ...}, ...}}}}}}, ...}}, "a": *[2]}, ..., -3e12 > a => {"f": *[(b == true)][1000000000000000], ...}}}}}, "a": ["g" + "d"]}, "d": ([* | {c->.c < false => {"c": @, ..., c["f"] => {!c => {"c": [-100 <= c][-100...1], ..., !c->a => {"d": [$myParam, [@.c, [-1 % 1][(b->a || true < c)] | order(c), c][null == a] | {"d": [][1]}]}}, ...}}, ...}, [([a, "c" + "g"][!(a[])][(c[].c || b[] < "d")])][(select(!(b->.b == -100) => [*[-1], ...[]]) => 1 && "b" < c)]])}, null <= b)
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions parser/internal/parservX/parser.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -925,6 +925,13 @@ func (p *parser) parseFunctionDefinition() (*ast.FunctionDefinition, error) {
return nil, err

tok, _, pos = p.scanIgnoreWhitespace()
if tok != ast.Semicolon {
return nil, &parseError{
msg: "expected ';' at the end of function definition",
pos: p.makeSpotPos(pos),
p.functionParameters = nil

return &ast.FunctionDefinition{
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion parser/internal/parservX/parser_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ func TestErrors(t *testing.T) {
assertParseFailure(t, "def foo::bar($baz", "expected ')' following function arguments", 18, 18)
assertParseFailure(t, "def foo::bar($baz) { a, b }", "expected '=' following ()", 19, 19)
assertParseFailure(t, "def foo::bar(baz) = { a, b }", "expected parameter name", 13, 13)
assertParseFailure(t, "def foo::moo($woo) = $woo{ a, b } def foo::bar($baz) = $woo{ a, b }", "param $woo referenced, but not provided", 55, 58)
assertParseFailure(t, "def foo::moo($woo) = $woo{ a, b }; def foo::bar($baz) = $woo{ a, b }", "param $woo referenced, but not provided", 56, 59)

func assertParseFailure(t *testing.T, src string, message string, start int, end int) {
Expand Down

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

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