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Project aims to Distribute tokens through an airdrop mechanism that uses Merkle proofs for efficient verification. Rewards users who stake their ERC-20 tokens by providing yield over a 30-day period.

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Yield-Bearing Project

Quick Workflow

1. Initial Deployment and Token Minting
   |-> Developer deploys smart contract with 1 ETH
   |-> Contract mints tokens
       |-> Tokens represent the total supply for the protocol
       |-> Tokens will be used for distribution and yield generation

2. Airdrop to Whitelisted Participants
   |-> Tokens distributed to whitelisted addresses
       |-> Half of the minted tokens allocated for distribution
       |-> Participants receive their tokens securely
   |-> Merkle tree used for secure distribution
       |-> Ensures proof of eligibility
       |-> Prevents double-claiming of tokens

3. Participant Deposits
   |-> Participants deposit tokens
       |-> Participants transfer received tokens back into the contract
       |-> Tokens are locked in the contract for yield generation
   |-> Tokens used to generate yield
       |-> Deposited tokens contribute to the total pool
       |-> Yield is calculated based on the pooled tokens

4. Yield Generation
   |-> Yield generated over 30 days
       |-> Yield accrues daily based on the total deposits
       |-> Yield rate determined by the contract parameters
       |-> Total yield is added to the contract’s balance over time

5. Withdrawals During Yield Period
   |-> Participants can withdraw tokens and yield
       |-> Participants can withdraw deposited tokens plus accrued yield
       |-> Withdrawals reduce the participant's deposit amount
   |-> Merkle tree reconstructed on withdrawals
       |-> Merkle tree is updated to reflect withdrawals
       |-> Prevents double-claiming and ensures accurate balance tracking

6. Final Yield Distribution
   |-> Remaining tokens and yield distributed at end of period
       |-> After 30 days, remaining tokens and yield are calculated
       |-> Distribution proportional to each participant's deposit
   |-> Distribution done using Merkle tree
       |-> Merkle tree used to verify participant balances
       |-> Ensures fair and secure final distribution

Testing the Secure Claiming

Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 3 29 23 PM

Workflow Steps

1. Initial Deployment and Token Minting

Deployment: The developer deploys a smart contract with an initial seed amount of one ETH. Token Minting: The contract mints a certain number of tokens that will be used throughout the protocol.

2. Airdrop to Whitelisted Participants

Airdrop: Half of the minted tokens are distributed to a set of whitelisted addresses. Security: The distribution uses Merkle trees to ensure security and prevent double-claiming.

3. Participant Deposits

Deposits: Participants who receive tokens can deposit them back into the smart contract. Yield Eligibility: Depositing tokens allows participants to start earning yield on their holdings.

4. Yield Generation

Yield Accumulation: The total tokens deposited by all participants are used to generate yield. Duration: The yield generation period lasts for thirty days.

5. Withdrawals During Yield Period

Withdrawals: Participants can withdraw their tokens along with any accumulated yield at any time during the thirty-day period. Security Update: When a withdrawal occurs, the Merkle tree is reconstructed to ensure no double-claiming takes place.

6. Final Yield Distribution

End of Period: At the end of the thirty-day yield period, the remaining tokens and the generated yield are distributed proportionally to all participants who have not withdrawn their tokens. Security: This final distribution also uses Merkle trees to ensure secure and accurate distribution of tokens and yield.


Setting Up Development Environment

  1. Start Local Blockchain:

    • Open Terminal 1:
      npx hardhat node

    This starts a local Ethereum blockchain with accounts pre-funded with fake ETH for testing.

  2. Compile Contracts:

    • Open Terminal 2:
      npx hardhat compile

    Compiles your Solidity contracts defined in the project.

Contracts Interactions

  1. Run Airdrop Script:
npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/airdrop.js

Executes the airdrop script to distribute tokens based on a specified logic.

  1. Check Airdrop Balance:
  • Run:
    npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/airdropChackbalance.js

Copy and paste the airdrop address to check the balance.

Testing Merkle Proofs

  1. Test Claims using Merkle Proofs:
npx hardhat test

Runs tests to validate claiming tokens using Merkle proofs.

Yield Bearing Contract Interactions

  1. Deploy Yield Bearing Contract:
npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy.js

Deploys the Yield Bearing contract on the local blockchain.

  1. Participant Interaction:
npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/participate.js

Participants interact with the contract by depositing tokens.

  1. Calculate Yield:
npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/calculateYield.js

Calculates the yield participants can earn based on their deposits.

  1. Withdraw Yield:
npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/withdraw.js

Participants withdraw their calculated yield.

  1. Verify Zero Yield After Withdrawal:
npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/calculateYield.js

Ensure that the withdrawn account shows zero yield after withdrawal.

  1. Final Distribution:
npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/finalDistribution.js

Automatically triggers after 30 days to distribute remaining yields.



Project aims to Distribute tokens through an airdrop mechanism that uses Merkle proofs for efficient verification. Rewards users who stake their ERC-20 tokens by providing yield over a 30-day period.




