EZ Career - SIH - https://frontend-sih.onrender.com
2. User can enter the skills they have acquired, they can update as and when they like. Their userId is uniquely stored in MongoDB which fetches their details.
3. Using a custom algorithm which searches for the required job titles in multiple domains from a huge dataset, we recommend them jobs based on the location entered.
- The below form is taken as input from the user asking about their job details, current and previous jobs.
6. The data collected from the forms is used to plot a graph which compares their previous jobs to the current one and in process gets them a salary satisfaction index as well which is calculated through our algorithm.
7. Besides this our website is friendly for people who aren't really verse with technical skills. This feature allows the user to search the jobs via images.
- Clone the Repository in your Code Runner.
- Open two terminals one for Backend and one for Frontend.
- Run the command - change to directory from SIH-Project to FrontEnd and BackEnd in their respective terminals using the command :- cd FrontEnd :- cd BackEnd
- Run the command :- npm i for both the terminals.
- Then run the command :- npm run start for FrontEnd & :- nodemon server for BackEnd
If You are Mac useror windows is giving error just make the following change in the package.json file before running the above command :- "start": "set PORT=3006 && react-scripts --openssl-legacy-provider start" in the package.json file.
Website Link - https://frontend-sih.onrender.com
Explore our website and find yourselves a suitable job based on your skills.