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This is a datetimepicker implementation in angular 4.X

Roadmap items

  • Date picker implementation (Done)
  • Time picker (Done)


You can view the demo(wip) at


You can install the datetimepicker by npm

npm install ng4-datetimepicker --save


Here is a preview of datetimepicker



  • How to change the date format?

    You can pass the function which will be called before displaying the date in the input field. Example

     <ng-datetimepicker [customDate]="getDate"></ng-datetimepicker>

    getDatefunction receives the date object, and you can manipulate it in anyway you want.

      return date.getFullYear()+"-"+date.getMonth()+"-"+date.getDate();

    It is optional to pass the custom date function. If you do not pass the custom date function, then the "toString()" value of the date object is used in the input field.

  • How to edit the stylesheet of the datetimepicker?

    You can override the classes in the datepicker in your styles.css stylesheet. The parent class of the datetimepicker is ng-datepicker. Example in styles.css

    .ng-datetimepicker .header{
  • What are the dependencies?

    There are no other dependencies in this datetimepicker. It does not depend on moment.js or such. Instead it provides callback function(see first question), so that you can include any other datetime library you want in order to manipulate the date in input field.

    Also the styling is completely customizable. So if you want to style the input field or the datepicker modal according to your theme, you can easily do so overriding the classes.