This theme is mainly designed for dark mode, but light mode works well too.
If you like this theme, leave a comment on the Obsidian Forum Post of this theme.
rev•er•ie rĕv′ə-rē
n. A state of abstracted musing; daydreaming. n. A daydream. n. A state of mental abstraction in which more or less aimless fancy predominates over the reasoning faculty; dreamy meditation; fanciful musing.
Reverie is now available in Obsidian Community Themes.
In obsidian go to Settings > Appearance > Community Themes > Browse
Search for: Reverie by Santi Younger
Click “Use”
If you get a window click “Overwrite”
Done, enjoy!
Hope you enjoy, let me know if you like the theme in the Obsidian Forum Post of this theme.