๐ Through two extensive Data Science internships at Johnson & Johnson, I have gained valuable experience in statistical modeling, data analytics, machine learning, and data engineering via programming languages like R, Python, SQL, and JS.
๐ During my first internship as a Data Science Analyst, I was able to develop dashboards utilizing BRQC audit data. The majority of these innovation projects focused on automating complex business auditing processes.
๐ During my second internship as a Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer I was a part of the Commercial Data Science team within Janssen Pharmaceuticals. My summer project enabled me to work with multidimensional EHR data. The scope of the project was to increase the utility of the dataset to be used for clients. This project required me to conduct research on Natural Language Processing techniques as well as understand statistical distribution algorithms such as (LDA) Latent Dirichlet Allocation in order to analyze and interpret unstructured text data.
- ๐ย I'm based in New York
- ๐ฅ๏ธย See my portfolio at See my portfolio website HERE!
- โ๏ธย You can contact me at saplan.yanki@gmail.com
- ๐ย I'm currently working on World Danger Sentiment Scoring
- ๐ง ย I'm learning Machine Learning, Data Science, Analytics, Computer Sciences
- ๐คย I'm open to collaborating on Data Intense self made projects
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