🌿 Welcome to sarj.dev! This open-source project provides a back-end and front-end solutions for an interactive map application focused on Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations across Turkey. This project empowers EV owners to find, track, and plan their charging needs seamlessly.
- 🗺️ Interactive Map: Visualize electric vehicle charging stations on an interactive map.
- ⚡ Real-time Data: Access up-to-date information about each charging station, including socket availability, power capacity, and pricing details.
- 🔍 Advanced Search: Utilize the search feature to find charging stations based on specific criteria.
- 📍 Nearby Stations: Get a list of charging stations near your location for convenient access.
- 🔗 Search Suggestions: Receive search suggestions for quicker station discovery.
Your support will help us add new features, improve user experience, and expand our coverage to benefit even more EV users. support 🫶!
Also by sponsoring sarj.dev, you become a part of our mission to make electric vehicle ownership more accessible and sustainable. Your support will have a lasting impact on the growing EV community in Turkey. support 💚!
We would like to express our gratitude to the contributors of this project and the open-source community for their valuable contributions and support.
For questions, suggestions, or collaborations, please contact us at hi@sarj.dev or visit our website at https://sarj.dev.
🚀 Let's contribute to a greener future together! 🌍