- 🔭 Working as a Java Developer. I love exploring and learning something new about tech.
Skills : Coding, Data Science and ML
- 👯 I am willing to collaborate on projects and hackathons.
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I'm happy to help!
Skills : Coding, Data Science and ML
Problem Statement: The company has products that can be used for hiring assessments. The task is to predict the probability percentage that a client will purchase a product from the features provid…
Jupyter Notebook 1
I have built a simple web app that predicts the price of flights based on inputs such as Departure date and time, Source and destination, etc. The model is trained on "Random Forest Regressor" and …
The aim of this project is to predict the label of the object given the image data using Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) in Pytorch. The dataset used is CIFAR-10 dataset which is a subset of the…
This is a simple demonstration of face detection using the OpenCV library in python (in a few lines of code). Face detection using Haar cascades is a machine learning based approach where a cascade…
The aim of this project is to analyse the stock market data and predict the stock closing price using Long Short Term Memory(LSTM ) deep learning algorithm and evaluate the accuracy of the model. A…
Jupyter Notebook 2
This is a small ML project on the Titanic dataset. The aim of this project is to perform exploratory data analysis on the data with the help of graphs, processing the data and finally applying the …