The newer version of the code which works with the latest Erlang, Elixir, and Phoenix, can be found here.
The original demo used in The Soul of Erlang and Elixir talk.
Requires Erlang, Elixir, and node.js, as specified in the .tool-versions file. You can use asdf for that.
cd example_system
mix deps.get &&
pushd assets &&
npm install &&
popd &&
mix compile
Starting for development with live reload:
iex -S mix phx.server
Then, you can visit the following links:
Building and starting for production (in the background):
cd example_system
./_build/prod/rel/system/bin/system start
Open the remote console:
./_build/prod/rel/system/bin/system remote_console
Hot upgrade with no downtime:
mix system.upgrade