A utility to scan for TLS certificates in a network segment in CIDR format to quickly find expired certificates.
This is written in GO and the assets are currently only build for Linux amd64.
The concurrency for host cert checking is currently set to 1024, set to lower value if system limits of open files are lower.
If more than 1024 hosts are scanned, ARP issues may happen due to system config (sysctl net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3),
try not to specify more than 4 /24 CIDRs
Usage information:
-cidr string
network cidr list (default ",")
-conc int
concurrent connections (default 128)
-html string
html output file
-json string
json output file
-ports string
tcp port list (default "443,636,587,8443")
skip no dns found
-t int
dial timeout in seconds (default 3)
-v version
#single subnet, single port, output to console only
./certchecker_linux -cidr= -ports=443
#single subnet, single port, output to console and html file
./certchecker_linux -cidr= -ports=443 -html=certs.html
#single subnet, single port, output to console and json file
./certchecker_linux -cidr= -ports=443 -json=certs.json
#multiple subnets, multiple ports, output to console only
./certchecker_linux -cidr=, -ports=443,8443
#multiple subnets, multiple ports, output to console only, 1024 concurrent checks
./certchecker_linux -cidr=, -ports=443,8443 -conc=1024
The certificates will be shown in a table like so
║ HostIP:Port │ HostDNS (reverse) │ DNS Match Cert │ SNI Verified │ CertDNSNames │ Subject Common Name │ Issuer │ Expiry ↓ │ Expired ║
go build -ldflags "-s -w -X main.sha1ver=`git rev-parse HEAD` -X main.buildTime=`date +'%Y-%m-%d_%T%Z'`" -o certchecker main.go