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Dungeons and Dragons Companion Bot

DnDCompanionBot is a telegram bot to play Dungeons and Dragons. In the future, this bot should be able to track campaigns, character sheets and help the DM with management tasks.


General commands Action
/start starts the DnDCompanionBot
/roll <expression> rolls the dice using the dice notation
/charsheet <username> returns the character sheet associated with username
/help shows this help message
Campaign commands Action
/start_campaign starts a new campaign in the invoked group
/close_campaign closes an active campaign
/set_turns <username1>, ..., <usernameN> creates a list with the order of players for a given round
/turn shows the current player in the turns list
/next_turn moves to the next player in the turns list
/set_dm <username> sets the username of the DM for the current campaign
/dm shows the DM for the current campaign
/start_battle <width>, <height> generates a new battle field
/set_positions <expression> set characters positions at the battle field
/map set characters positions at the battle field
Character commands Action
/import_char <url> imports the JSON data of a character from a URL
/link_char <char_id>, (username) links character to target username or self username
/status <username|character> shows the list of weapons of a character
/weapons <username|character> shows the list of weapons of a character
/spells <username|character> shows the list of damage spells of a character
/currency <username|character> shows the currency pouch of a character
/damage <username|character>, <hp> apply damage to a character
/heal <username|character>, <hp> apply heal to a character
/attack_roll <weapon|spell>, <melee|range>, (distance), (adv|disadv) performs an attack roll on a character
/initiative_roll <character> performs an initiative roll for a character
/short_rest_roll <username|character> performs an short rest roll for a character
/ability_check <ability>, (skill) performs an ability check or a skill check if skill is specified
/say <character>, <message> prints a message using in-game conversation format
/whisper <character>, <message> prints a whisper message using in-game conversation format
/yell <character>, <message> prints a yell message using in-game conversation format
/move <character for dm> moves your character on the battle field
/set_currency <username|character>, <expression> set the currency pouch of a character
/add_xp <username|character>, <xp> adds points of experience to a character

What do I need?

  • A AWS key configured locally, see here.
  • NodeJS >= v8.9.0.
  • A Telegram account.


# Install the Serverless Framework
$ npm install serverless -g

# Install the necessary plugins
$ npm install

# Get a bot from Telegram, sending this message to @BotFather
$ /newbot

# Put the token received into a file called serverless.env.yml, along with your Firebase configuration details. Like this:
# file: serverless.env.yml
TELEGRAM_TOKEN: <your_token>
FIREBASE_DB_URL: <your_firebase_realtime_database_url>
FIREBASE_API_SECRET: <your_firebase_realtime_database_secret>

# Deploy it!
$ serverless deploy

# With the URL returned in the output, configure the Webhook
$ curl -X POST https://<your_url>

Installing locally

Define the following ENV variables for your OS:

TELEGRAM_TOKEN: <your_telegram_bot_token>
FIREBASE_DB_URL: <your_firebase_realtime_database_url>
FIREBASE_API_SECRET: <your_firebase_realtime_database_secret>

Then, make sure you use pip and all tools for Python 3 and install all dependencies:

$ pip3 install virtualenv
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Running the bot locally

Follow the instructions from the section Installing locally, and then run the bot:

$ python

Running tests locally

Follow the instructions from the section Installing locally, and then run the tests:

$ nose2 -v

How to use the bot

Import character from DndBeyond

  1. Make sure your character is up-to-date in DnDBeyond.
  2. Go to{username}/characters/{character_id}/json (replacing {username} with your username and character_id with the ID of your character)
  3. Copy the output JSON and paste it on a public location (Github Gist, Drive, Dropbox, etc)
  4. Go to the Telegram chat where you're playing and execute /link_char {json_url} (where `{json_url} is the URL to the public JSON you created in step 3).
  5. Profit!

Other notes

AWS credentials saved on your machine at ~/.aws/credentials.



A bot to play D&D in Telegram






No releases published


