bolcon omnithon is a blockchain-enabled, platform to reduce scam in crowdsourcing website
- buid with smart contract(ethereum-blockchain) #idea behind project -As we all are familiar with the crowdfunding websites like kickstart and crowdfunder. these websites helps in raising funds for people with new ideas. here, you discuss what you want to build (product) and you ask random people for money. so people donate or give money for your project. however, in exchange you have to give some reward to that fund raiser. but, what if the fund is raised and no product is delivered or what if the developer/manager denies to deliver the product just because they use all the raised fund. in these cases, the idea person use all the raised money for their own use. The main idea of the project is to decrease the amount of spams and frauds in crowdfunding websites o to decrease the spam done by people or organizations (they use this money for their goods). However, we are using ethereum blockchain smart contracts to deal with it. every time a new idea comes, request is generated, a voting system will be there. for example : the idea person want to buy battery for thier project, they write the description of the whole in the spending request module and after watching the details like where the idea person is actually using this money. they upvote for it. on the basis of this voting the request is accepted.
Although, with the help of ethereum blockchain, we can reduce the frauds and spams which usually happens in these crowdfunding websites.
- metamask(chrome extension) <to deploy our contract to local test network)
- npm and node
bolcon requires Node.js v4+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ git clone
$ npm install -d
$ npm run dev