- 👋 Hi, I’m @savabarbarov96
- 👀 I’m interested in Python, JavaScript, Software Testing, CMS systems and finding ways to break stuff.
- 🌱 I’m currently employed as Software QA
Computer skills:
Experience analyzing, documenting and creating manual tests and automating them.
Selenium WebDriver
Robot Framework
Experience working in Agile environment.
Ability to work with GitHub
Experience working with Database (mySQL) /
Familiarity in creating Load Profile and Performance testing using K6
Microsoft Office Package
Experience working with Jira
Good understanding HTML & CSS
Experience using Salesforce
Performence testing using K6
Good understanding of OOP /JavaScript and Python/
Experience working with CMS /WordPress/
Knowledge of best practices when it comes to SEO and Copywriting
Experience in API testing using Postman
Experience with CRM/Customer Relationship Management/ development
Experience with Linux/Unix command line
- 📫 How to reach me ... savabarbarov96@gmail.com