This is project on Neural Style Transfer developed by team Untitled1 composed of Ria Aggarwal, Sandalika Sapra & Savyasachi.[UCSD ECE-285 Fall2019 Project]
There are two main directories -
- neural-style-transfer - holds the code for the implementation of "A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style" by Gatys
- cycleGan - holds the code for implementation of style transfer using cycleGANs as introduced in the paper titled "Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks"
- demo.ipnyb - Run a demo for style-transfer implementation.
- - Dataset Class for managing data for style transfer. It loads image pairs for style & content and takes care of pre-processing. It supports different file-size and initializations. See class documentation for more details.
- - Holds the main neural-net and loss function confugurations etc. Has an init() method which takes layer and weight configurations and creates and configures the net, loss functions and targets.
- - Holds the code for training. Has a train method which takes layer configurations, a dataset entry and returns the output image after training for the desired number of iterations.
- Experiments/
- Layers.ipnyb - Experiments over considering different layers for Style & Content (Reproduces Fig 4 of the report)
- Initialization.ipnyb - Experiments over how Initialization effects the output image (Reproduces Fig 3 of the report)
- Images/ - Holds the images used for training and demo purposes. Contains two directories for Style & Content respectively. Files with the same name from Style and Content are picked as pair for style transfer.
- demo_cycleGAN.ipynb - Run a demo of CycleGAN implementation on pretrained models from created checkpoints.
- train_cycleGAN.ipynb - Train a new cycleGAN model.
- experiments/
- cycleGANexp.ipynb - Trains similar cycleGAN architecture. Tracks adversarial, cyclic, identity and discrimiinator losses to produce Fig 6 of the report. Weights to losses experimented with to produce Fig 8 and 9 of the report. Noticeable variations in results with initialization.
- - Creates network architecture, defines optimizers, training method and losses, and saves checkpoints to directory.
- - Testing module that loads trained checkpoints into the defined network architecture for style transfer on test data, results of which are saved to an output directory.
- - Module to utilize arguments from the command line for parameter and experiment setup and run.
- architecture/
- - Contains discriminator architecture (convnet)
- - Contains generator architecture (conv and residual layers)
- - Defines layer and initialization types used to create architectures in and
- - Contains code for image pool strategy and the learning rate decay
- - Script downlaods official datasets from