Welcome to our awesome project, Code Closet. This is a speciality shopping site for web developers who want clothes that are comfortable to code in, and fashionable to zoom in. This is a full stack project that allows users to create a login, go to the members site to shop for clothes, review and edit their cart, and finally find a fun surprise waiting in the closet link.
Display of fully responsive website.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Foundation, Bootstrap, Fontawesome, GitHub, MySQL, JawsDB,
Heroku, Node JS, Adobe Illustrator
NPM: fs, bcrypt.js, dotenv, express, express-handlebars, express-session, mysql2, passport,
passport-local, sequelize, easter-egg-collection
- Clone our github repository
- Install all the NPMs (listed above)
- Launch the MySQL Workbench in the terminal
- Run the Node Server.js file in the terminal
- Launch the LocalHost in the web browser
- Sign-up and shop!
Youngmee (Olivia) Park- Back End
Sara Wilson- Front End
Glynis Mullan-Kwok- Back End
Nicholas Luberda- Front End