Jump into a quick-paced game of Uno right from your terminal! This online Uno clone was crafted as a spirited 2-day coding challenge during the CodeForAll Fullstack bootcamp. The project served as a practical exercise in multi-threaded programming, server management, socket communication, and networking. Ready to challenge your friends and maybe lose a few? Jump in and scream UNO!
Get your game on in just a few easy steps:
Fire up the server by running the Uno jar (found in build folder) in your terminal:
java -jar Uno.jar
Players can join using NetCat:
nc {server IP} {selected Port Number}
At least 2 players must join to start the game.
:D made by Vicente and Tuna, hope you enjoy.
We aren't responsible for any lost friendships, fights, or broken computers.
The game was programmed based on MacOS default terminal colors.
The colors will only work on windows IF you have the terminal app.