This is the api endpoints for the Coursyclopedia application using go language with fiber framework. Below is the project structure.
├── handler/ # Handlers for the HTTP API endpoints
├── student/ # Student-related API handlers
│ ├── user/ # User-related API handlers
│ ├── subject/ # Subject-related API handlers
│ └── auditlog/ # AuditLog-related API handlers
├── model/ # Data models for the application
│ ├── user.go # User model definition
│ ├── subject.go # Subject model definition
│ ├── auditlog.go # AuditLog model definition
│ └── faculty.go # Faculty model definition
├── service/ # Business logic layer
│ ├── userService.go
│ ├── subjectService.go
│ └── auditService.go
├── repository/ # Database interaction layer
│ ├── userRepository.go
│ ├── subjectRepository.go
│ └── auditRepository.go
├── db/ # Database connection setup
│ └── mongodb.go
├── pkg/ # Utility packages and common libraries
│ └── utils/
├── route/
│ └── routes/ # Routes for endpoints
└── main.go # Entry point of the application
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
To get started with this project, make sure you have Go installed on your system. then you can clone it with following comman:
git clone
cd CoursyclopediaBackend
go mod tidy
go run main.go